What do you do if you want to rewrite the history books to remove anything or anyone you disagree with?

Southern Nationalism
What do you do if you want to rewrite the history books to remove anything or anyone you disagree with?
I’ve never really been a *formal* “New Year Resolution” kind of guy. What I mean is that, like many of
(Note to readers: Below is Chapter IX of my book, The Life and Times of Matthew Fontaine Maury, Pathfinder of
There are few of us that would argue that the leftists have much of a stable psychology at all. But
Culture is not an abstraction, it is a living, breathing entity comprised of a people. If a people are virtuous,
My grandma was the first Irish migrant to these United States within my immediate family. Her brother migrated to America
I recently booked some flights and had the choice of making a connection either in Istanbul or Tokyo. The Istanbul
Many people make the mistake of thinking that the culture can be fixed directly by implementing some physical solution. For
Happy New Year! It is two thousand, twenty-three years since the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is surprising
Grandson: “Grandpa, I asked my dad why we have to eat black-eyed peas every New Years, and he said I