The country is run by nursing home patients.
Category: Home
The Vaughn Trial
Douglass Mackey faced a solitary charge that centers around his use of Twitter to allegedly deprive someone from exercising their
The Coming Pivotal Decade
The United States went through a great number of significant cultural changes over the past decade, almost all of them
The Wild Man: Eugene Talmadge
This essay is the third entry in the “Great Statesmen Series,” covering the woefully forgotten Eugene Talmadge from the Peach
The Predictive Value of Stupidity
We’re reaching a geopolitical inflection point. The proxy war against the Russian Federation, in order to facilitate its dismemberment, is
Lincoln County, Mississippi???
The Mississippi county 120 miles due west of my native Wayne County is Lincoln County. I’m not sure why it
The Blood of the Tennessean Martyrs
I am writing this shortly after a transgender maniac murdered six Christians – three of them children – at a
Churching It Up
It really Is that simple
Help Save the Republic? I’ll Pass
An old woman asked the purposed form of American government: “Well, Doctor, what do we have, a republic, or a
Stubborn and Delusional
I once attended a leadership conference that changed the way I view things. It altered the way I approach things