Quite the difference only thirty years can make. Compare the BMIs: The fattest state in 1990 was Mississippi. It had

Southern Nationalism
Quite the difference only thirty years can make. Compare the BMIs: The fattest state in 1990 was Mississippi. It had
47 would be Trump’s next presidential number. The bills in the photo below are silver certificates, which were phased out
“Now is the winter of our discontent” is a famous line from William Shakespeare’s Richard III, but this is not a review,
The historically illiterate who blame slavery for “the Civil War” cannot conceive of any scenario whereby other reasons exist –
Molon labe…The spirit of the Alamo is alive and well… Texas independence is at hand! And please, pay no attention
Chris Rufo’s successful reveal of Claudine Gay’s plagiarism was something of a win. Gay will go back to being a
Globalism requires that the interests of the nation take second place to the globalist world hegemony. It creates a world where all
There is one factor that hovers above all others when determining what side will prevail when a nation descends into
Since the start of Russia’s direct intervention in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev have established a good cop/bad cop
I found the 2016 Trump campaign extremely entertaining. The establishment didn’t take it seriously and thought he had no chance.