There’s a couple YouTube videos I think everyone should be familiar with. The first is a speech from the excellent
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The Nostalgia Distraction
We live in strange times. The release of a new trailer for a movie, the trailer not the movie itself,
Randolph’s Juke Joint: Bluegrass Breakdown
Track List Cotton Eyed Joe – Ralph Stanley feat Charlie Sizemore My Rose of Old Kentucky – Bill Monroe Hemlocks
Myth of the 20th Century: Return of Champions – Fighting for Territory in the Ruins of Civilization
James LaFond, author, fighter, and anthropologist of all things urban and unseen by the aspirational and increasingly disconnected bourgeois classes
Southern Skies
Eyes that reside in Southern skiesSee the world, so differentlyBending minds to humbler timesAnd reminiscent most significantly About the beauty
Are We All Racists Now?
In a world in which everyone is a racist, no one is a racist. Padraig MartinThe son of a recent
Dixie Agoge: Ep. V Dyel?
In this episode of Dixie Agoge, Nero and Mosby have a general discussion about lifting. Tune in to hear about
Conan the Banker?
I think I was reading The Count of Monte Cristo when it occurred to me that banking was a major
‘13 Ounces’ A Sign of Uncivil War
I received a hand-delivered thank you from a young man entering police work and specializing in ‘Global Terrorism’ who seems
The Battle of Google Biblical Scholars
The South is overwhelmingly Christian. In fact, I would argue that the South is the last remaining Christian Nation in