Once in a lifetime a person may meet another individual that strikes up some primal feeling in them. A sense
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The Brother I Lost
When my brother announced that he was transgender, I excused myself from the table and retreated to the women’s restroom.
The Z-Blog Power Hour: A Summer World Tour
The custom in the independent media game is to do something to recognize milestones like anniversaries or certain show numbers.
As Goes California, So Goes Texas?
One long standing discussion on the Dissident Right, which is slowly but surely being picked up on by the mainstream
The Fifteen Dollar Disaster
The $15 Federal minimum wage is uniquely designed to harm the South. Padraig MartinThe son of a recent Irish immigrant
FWG Podcast #16 – The Religion of Political Correctness
The FWG crew discuss our established religion of political correctness. https://www.bitchute.com/video/PuNKDtDudwvk/ – Video with images Podcast #16 – The Religion of
What Would Jesus Do?
What Would Jesus Do? I remember in the mid-90s when I started seeing this ubiquitous phrase in mainstream culture. Teenagers
Enslavement Through Virtue
It seems, for all observable intents, that “white guilt” has hit an all time high among many of the visible
Modernity and Don Colacho
Nicolás Gómez Dávila was a prominent Colombian writer and proponent of reactionary social political theory. He was also a marvelous critic
Our Fat Nation
The United States has an obesity problem and the South is at the center of that problem. According to the