Many in the Alt-Right have made valid criticisms of the Church over the past few years. The Pope, the Episcopalians,
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My Prodigal Return Part 1: Crossing the Line
It is not for kings, O Lemuel, It is not for kings to drink wine, Nor for princes intoxicating drink;
Streaming The Past Away
I hate Netflix and, for that matter, every other streaming service. Long before the company decided they had the right
13 Signs of Suburban Blight
Jase-Man, the first signs are the macro signs, the media and political announcements declaring who are the targets of criminal
Death and (New York) Taxes
The media has revived the story of Eric Garner’s death at the hands of the NYPD. For those not remembering
The Wayward Yankee and Our Shared Heritage
If you frequent most Southern Nationalist blogs you’ll realize how much is written about the difference between the Southerner and
So Called “Hate Crimes” Are Rising – But Not By Who You Think
So-called “Hate Crimes” – incidents of violence or intimidation that are reported to be motivated by some form of animus
On the Fall of Tsarism and the Confederacy
Recently, Netflix produced a series entitled, The Last Czars. As the title suggests, the series chronicles the downfall of the
The Heart of the Great Anglo Saxon Southland
The focal point of much discussion regarding the Deep South tends to involve its qualities which allow it the propensity
What if the SEC Governed a Free Dixie?
Imagine if the most popular institution in Dixie – one which unites people of all classes and regions – governed