If you look back in the archive, the last time I did a show on Friday the 13th was April

Southern Nationalism
If you look back in the archive, the last time I did a show on Friday the 13th was April
Imagine if you were a boy who was very different in outlook, born out of time if you will, brutally
So, San Francisco has declared the NRA “a domestic terror organization.” The state of New York is waging lawfare against
Public school indoctrination: The Marxist, anti-Christian effort to program our children into sexual degenerate service cogs of the welfare and
This is not a “prepper” article in the normal sense of the word. This is not some fantasy of a rapture-like
Artists often begin their careers by imitating the work of others. The act of imitation in this context is not
Whether or not our national implosion is a real thing is often a matter of perspective. Depending upon where you
Corps are obstacles to family formation.CR Wiley was right. The future is the job you create:https://retireby40.org/gave-up-engineering-career/ Bryce Sharper When my
I have two Masters degrees from elite schools. I am proud of them. They hang on my wall and tell
International arms smuggling is one of those businesses that captures the imagination of authors and Hollywood producers alike, conjuring images