As globalist politicians open the floodgates on our once salvageable country, the First World will grow more and more to
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Something Wicked This Way Comes
By the pricking of my thumbs,Something wicked this way comes. Macbeth Act IV Scene I I’ve followed this blog for
Ice Age Wage
I wrote this in the Spring, on the East Coast, and now, as snow falls on the mountain above me
Sign of the Times
A few nights ago was one those swampy, late summer, Louisiana evenings, one of those where you know you’re going
Paleocon Reminders: Ronald Reagan: Principles—and Failings
By no means the least of Ronald Reagan’s achievements as man and president was that he may well have been
Myth of the 20th Century: A History of Venture Capital – Creative Destruction
Invention is often described as 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. In the high-flying game of venture capital, where the stakes
The Neverending Story: Optics
Optics, for those still unfamiliar with this term, means how the public perceives you by your words and actions. Optics
A Whole New World
Let’s just get this out of the way. Yes, I have donned a variety of racist costumes for Halloween. From
The Colorado Effect
As part of the long march, the social and political shift towards the Left is a gradual process done little
Rebooted Goddess Culture
The end of men. Gaia. The trans push. Toxic masculinity. These are formerly marginal ideas that now have infected the mainstream. Every