I’ve got a new book added to my quarantine reading list: The Israel Lobby Enters State Government: Rise of the
Category: Home
The Weirdo “Right”
Praising China? Admiring Hillary Clinton? Encouraging “White Sharia” and rape gangs to own the women (an older meme, but it
Myth of the 20th Century: The Diamond Trade – Rough Cuts
‘Diamonds are Forever’, as the saying goes, imparts a sense of strength, legacy, and significance. From a geological point of
Lonely in Modernity
One is the loneliest number.
Pushing The Panic Button
In the midst of the China virus/Wuhan flu pandemic, you can easily forget that we have an election this year.
Support Local
Support local businesses during this crisis.
His Blood Is My Blood
Before the War of Northern Aggression, Benjamin Dyer Merchant was working in his father’s mercantile business in Dumfries, Virginia. He
The Antibeing
When Marx, and the often forgotten Engels, wrote The Communist Manifesto, its primary purpose was to rationalize the communist position,
The Z-Blog Power Hour: Money Matters
A favorite expression is “pressure reveals character.” Anyone who has played sports has probably used the expression. It is one
The Trump 2020 Strategy
As recently as a few weeks ago, the 2020 election was shaping up to be Trump versus Biden in a