This meme may be the truest thing I’ve seen lately, not because I think it’s patriotic or moral to shut
Category: Home
Damnatio Memoriae for the 21st Century?
Damnatio Memoriae is the latin phrase meaning “condemnation of memory,” in the sense of a judgment that a person must not
Phantoms in Frogmore
Southern Poetry
Progesterone or Perish
The Magnus Hirschfeld treatment for COVID-19 or else.
“Hell is Only a Word”
Last night, Event Horizon (1997) popped up on my Netflix queue. Quick summary: A space ship with experimental engines accidentally
We Were Poor
My great-grandmother was really the last of the West Tennessee sharecroppers. She never owned a house until my father built
Resistance is Fertile: Coronavirus Edition
As the global society strains underneath its own bulk due to its incompetent response to the coronavirus and with millions
We’re All Secessionists Now
When I attended the Abbeville Institute’s Secession Conference in Dallas back in November 2018, most people I know in “normal”
Modernity’s Moloch
At the end of the month of March, the LGBTXYZ community celebrated their “International Transgender Day of Visibility,” which may
Alliance with the Anti-Globalist Left? Not Hardly
The coronavirus pandemic may have dealt the forces of globalism a serious blow, but the cause for our nation and