It that time again for your local WASP to venture back into the fray of modern commentary and borderline journalism,
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Myth of the 20th Century: The Powerbroker – Urban Planning and the Battle for New York City
Hailed by many as the greatest city in the world, New York grew from a series of small settlements in
House of the Baptists
I’ve written before, my very first article for ID actually, on what I call “Dixie’s Quiet Revolution,” or the transformation
An Honest Trade
If you are like me, or any other father out there, you have had discussions with your wife about your
Commercialized Nihilism
Current “pandemic” notwithstanding, I don’t get out much. Well, when I say I don’t get out much, what I mean
There’s a New Czar in Town
We’ve had enough previews to surmise that the final implosion of America is going to be a harrowing experience that
Here We Go Again: Louisville Edition
In the wake of a grand jury’s ruling to not indict three officers in Breonna Taylor’s death, Antifa and Black
Romney and Trump
News of Senator Romney agreeing to vote for a new Supreme Court Justice was seen as Romney bending a knee.
The Ten Truths They Fear
If you are a leftist you cannot be a Christian. It is impossible to bridge the two. You are going
Another Victim of Our Injustice System
15 years ago, I served as a juror in the trial of a colored gentleman accused of kidnapping his ex-girlfriend.