There is a fairly popular series of memes that are shared among the Dissident Right often depicting some version of
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The Indomitable Spirit of the Southern Biscuit
Food defines a people. Italians are known for their delicious pasta dishes. The Germans have various pickled and smoked foods.
The Cunning J.D. Greear and SBC
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
A Life’s Mission Coming to Fruition
“Humanist” is a non-threatening word with unclear connotations. It’s exactly the sort of vocabulary used in the titles of organizations
One Reason for Community: Accountability
I was reflecting on my college days recently and remembered a time I bought a game right before my exams
When Conscience is No Burden
Watching Biden and Harris cheerfully heap derision on an innocent man who’ll spend the rest of his life in a
The United States is Dead; Walk Away, Dixie
The United States is dead. Anyone who thinks it is worth saving is living in a fantasy world. The Constitution
What Lives Matter?
A constant refrain from the apologists for the BLM movement is that their slogan “Black Lives Matter” does not imply
Footnote to the “Belle Boyd” Article – Wiki-Dumb Edition
The first edition of this two-part essay was written with a two-fold purpose in mind – namely, (1) the introduction
Notes on the Origin of “Wage Slavery”
Work—work—work!My Labour never flags;And what are its wages? A bed of straw,A crust of bread—and rags.That shatter’d roof—and this naked