At the time of writing, there are only two members of the subspecies northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) still
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Failure of Imagination
On his September 13th podcast, Scott Greer made a dozen or so points for why there will be no imminent
It Will Never Be Enough
Recently, Lars Gardfeldt, an openly homosexual priest in the Church of Sweden, has announced that he will not be conducting
I Will Make Known My Lineage
Regarding Afghanistan. There is nothing to say that has not been said by those, both believers and heretics, better versed
Whites and Blacks in a Free South
There is often a criticism levied by broader White Nationalists against Southern Nationalists regarding the disproportionate number of blacks in
Reconstruction in Louisiana
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10 KJV Regarding
A Walk Through Four Baltimore County Neighborhoods
Myth of the 20th Century: 9/11
“All the democratic circles in America and Europe, in particular the Italian intelligence agency, know very well that the catastrophic
It’s Like They’re Not Even Trying
Apparently there is some kind of rally going on tomorrow in Washington DC. The named purpose of this rally is
The Boat Shoe Beat: Commie Creatures & Nazbol Nobodies
At Dnepropetrovsk the Stalin regime had made great efforts in construction. We were at first impressed as we approached the