The United States Constitution, a document finalized on September 17th, 1787, and fully ratified on May 29th, 1790, is one
Category: Articles
The Noble Carolinians, A Walk to Remember
All of the South is special to me, my restless soul unexplainably and mercifully satisfied in a peacefulness that is
They’re Doing Somebody’s Work
The conflict in Eastern Europe could soon feature a nuclear false flag incident. Putin’s speech on the accession of the
The Boundary
Crazy people. Bears. The things that should not be.
Her Time to Pray and Her Time to Cry
When I was a boy, one of my chores was to dry my grandma’s car after the rain. She would
10 Horror Movies for Kids for the Spooky Season
Since around 1980 or so, horror films have been widely viewed as “not for kids” and with good reason. The
Giorgia Meloni’s Victory
As with most nationalists, I was very pleased to see the results of the 2022 Italian elections that resulted in
A Friendly Visit from SWAT
For the people who’ve hijacked our civilization, repression has become an essential tool. That’s because they’re imposing terminal insanity, which
Longhouse, Short Tales
Reviewing fringe right cultural content, I understand the limitations of what will come out of the self-publishing or super niche,
“Peace” Movements – Not New and Still Subversive
Many of you still alive may remember the “peace” movement of the late 1960s and early 70s. It was not