“Why wouldn’t you vote. I’m not from this country—I came here from Newfoundland and lived in Ireland. Why wouldn’t you
Category: Articles
A Traitor and His Flags
Have you ever been called a traitor, or had your ancestors called traitors? Have you flown your Confederate flag, and
This is No Kid’s Game
Trolling is a professional skill with different applications. In pro wrestling, it’s what the heel does to the crowd to
Cautionary Tales
There are many things wrong with America, obviously. One that’s not often discussed is that there are white men out
Hugh Judson Kilpatrick was the quintessential Yankee, a cavalry commander in the War of Northern Aggression, who reached the rank
Why It Is So Obvious?
Some people struggle when trying to wrap their mind around why everything the rulers do is so obviously corrupt and
You’ve Always Been Here
Her exclamation: You’re so deep! My reply: Well, thank you. My insights into character flaws come from reading Plutarch’s Lives.
Race Concerns in a Free Dixie?
One critique often directed at Southern Nationalists is regarding the South’s historical racial issues – specifically, how can Southern Nationalists
What Do You Want on Your Tombstone?
There are various historical instances of a righteous man dispensing violence to someone who really had it coming. I wish