[The inspiration for the lengthy article which follows comes from a short conversation I recently had with one of my
Category: Articles
Prices Will be Paid
Prior to Trump’s 2016 campaign, I had little to no interest in politics from a conventional red vs blue voting
Europe, Africa, and Christianity
Realists are helpful folks, helping us to avoid disastrous courses as it regards war in the Ukraine, responses to crime,
The Isolated Class: An Emperor by Other Means
Many people are hesitant to support a centralized ruler. This is especially the case in the modern day. Perhaps this
Learning from Experience
As I write this, Alternative für Deutschland or “Alternative for Germany” (AfD), an authentically rightwing, nationalist, and populist party, is
Republicans Defending Our Democracy
Hope is best left abandoned. If the vaccine saga taught me anything, it was that a grim sense of resolve
Why DeSantis is Losing and Trump will Lose
It is not a surprise that Trump is winning in the primaries. He is and always would be the “800lbs
The Last Quasi-Honest Election
Got talking yesterday with someone who came to see us and the topic of the sour condition of the country
The Benevolent Empire: On Christian Infighting
Evil wants us at odds with one another, so we can’t be united against evil.
The Physics of Headspace
One of the foremost problems to confront as dissidents is that, as a collective, White people have a natural inclination