In this benighted age, British is a negative identity, it’s a placeholder at best and a multi-cultural void at worst,
Category: Articles
A Tale of Two Opioid Epidemics
Continuing with my assertion that America and China have a few things to learn from each other — and that this is
Saying “No” to Globohomo
In 1985, a bunch of celebrities teamed up for a song called We Are The World. Ostensibly to raise money for
The Importance of Christ
The Left fears the Son of God.
The Commonwealth’s Guard Problem
Does anyone really think they’ll crush their own neighbors?
Aragorn’s Plight
Tolkien’s Ranger as a Masculine Archetype
So You Want To Build A Mannerbund
It is one of the most used terms in our sphere. It is something that frightens the left. It is
Part 2: The Implications of the 2019 Long-Term Budget Outlook
The overwhelming majority of federal revenue comes from you. It does not come from businesses and not from corporate taxes,
Part 1: The Implications of the 2019 Long-Term Budget Outlook
You can download and view the 2019 LTBO here at this link. What is the Long-Term Budget Outlook (LTBO)? The
America’s Moral Authority
I grew up in a very colorful environment, majority so, in fact. As a result, I’ve never harbored any expectation