Dixie has gone through three distinct periods of Reconstruction. The first and most famous began in 1865 with Appomattox and
Category: Articles
Dixie’s Golden Age: The Jim Crow Era 1877-1968
Foreword: This essay was originally featured on the old website before said site’s deletion from WordPress. This is a revised
Pity and the Pitiless
Over a decade ago, I watched a movie about Jeffery Dahmer. He was a homosexual serial killer who worked in
Today’s Conservatives
Conservative, Inc. is fake and gay.
The Bitter Millennial
Millenials often get a bad, but mostly deserved, rap when it comes to politics. Being one myself, but also not
The Dissident Right in the 2020 Presidential Primaries
If the Dissident Right had a voice in the 2020 US presidential race the way that the nationalist Right does
The Trent Affair and the Failure of Confederate Diplomacy
The reasons for the defeat of the CSA in the War of Northern Aggression are still hotly contested to this
The Point of No Return: Chicago 1968
As is common with my countrymen, I come from a historically Democrat family. We voted that way all the way
Would You Like A Lime With That Corona?
I think there is something terribly fitting about the origins of the coronavirus. China, for many years, has been the
‘Identity as Parents’
Bryce Sharper and James Discuss the Christian and Heathen Perspectives of Transgenderism in Children