A smoldering pile of ash contains few mysteries, while a somewhat functional country harbors the unfathomable. As the USA clings

Southern Nationalism
A smoldering pile of ash contains few mysteries, while a somewhat functional country harbors the unfathomable. As the USA clings
Thanks to being home a lot more during these past few weeks, I’ve been listening to a lot of music
Before our great deplatforming last summer, I penned a piece outlining my desire to earn a living by dispensing lifesaving
Through tribulation, it is important to remember that God can take evil and bring a greater good out of it.
It is time for Southern Nationalists to adopt the strategies and tactics of successful Nationalist movements. Neither the National Socialists
This weekend, Christians around the world are celebrating Easter, commemorating the day when Jesus Christ rose from the dead to
Southern poetry.
Terminator (1984) has always been one of my beloved flicks. The best piece of dialogue from it is the speech
Cursed image.
As we watch the globalism crisis unfold, it is interesting to watch different reactions from different populations. There does seem