If one was to ask me why, at its core, the Alt-Right failed as spectacularly as it did, I would
Category: Articles
God Bless Dogs
“The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend.” Lord Byron I’ve learned a
Bodyshop Heroes
The Evolution from The Shield of Achilles to the Bedpan
The Trans Fix None Dare Propose
The transsexual community is incredibly small. Under 1% of Americans are trans. The gender fluid or trans poseurs crowd on
Is It Time to Stop Pulling the Cart?
This meme may be the truest thing I’ve seen lately, not because I think it’s patriotic or moral to shut
Damnatio Memoriae for the 21st Century?
Damnatio Memoriae is the latin phrase meaning “condemnation of memory,” in the sense of a judgment that a person must not
Phantoms in Frogmore
Southern Poetry
Progesterone or Perish
The Magnus Hirschfeld treatment for COVID-19 or else.
“Hell is Only a Word”
Last night, Event Horizon (1997) popped up on my Netflix queue. Quick summary: A space ship with experimental engines accidentally
We Were Poor
My great-grandmother was really the last of the West Tennessee sharecroppers. She never owned a house until my father built