If you frequent most Southern Nationalist blogs you’ll realize how much is written about the difference between the Southerner and
Author: Identity Dixie Guest
On the Fall of Tsarism and the Confederacy
Recently, Netflix produced a series entitled, The Last Czars. As the title suggests, the series chronicles the downfall of the

Moving 1,000 Miles to Home: My Retake Everything Story
Two years ago, before I had ever heard of Identity Dixie or their motto “Retake Everything,” I put into motion
A Pinch of Masculinity
Copenhagen, what a wad of flavorCopenhagen, you can see it in my smileCopenhagen, do yourself a favor chewCopenhagen, drivin’ pretty
Retake Everything Begins With You
“Retake Everything” begins as a simple phrase of self-improvement. We should strive to better ourselves, always be honorable and then

The Brother I Lost
When my brother announced that he was transgender, I excused myself from the table and retreated to the women’s restroom.
As Goes California, So Goes Texas?
One long standing discussion on the Dissident Right, which is slowly but surely being picked up on by the mainstream
What Would Jesus Do?
What Would Jesus Do? I remember in the mid-90s when I started seeing this ubiquitous phrase in mainstream culture. Teenagers
Christendom’s Last Stand
There’s a couple YouTube videos I think everyone should be familiar with. The first is a speech from the excellent
The Nostalgia Distraction
We live in strange times. The release of a new trailer for a movie, the trailer not the movie itself,