For millennia, the human experience has existed within tribal groups. Only recently has a tribal mindset become something that is
Author: Identity Dixie Guest
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Pitfalls and traps are in overabundance with participation in the Dissident Right. It’s the nature of this world, sadly. Long
I have just seen the most honest and straightforward, yet at once the most ambiguous, movie I’ve ever seen in
The Virtue of Restraint
Among many quarters of the Dissident Right, criticism of the Far Left is aimed at their “puritanical” dogmatism, which often
Home in Dixie
Southern Poetry
The Iran-Saudi Quagmire
The latest occurrence in the ongoing saga of Middle Eastern conflict is the bombing of Saudi Arabia’s largest oil processing
The Religion of the State
The current state power in America is defined by the federal government but also by the national elites that hold
Yankee Industrialists and Appalachia
One result of the Yankee victory in the War of Northern Aggression that tends to be overlooked is the effect
Nostalgic for Last Blood
Whatever possessed God in heaven to make a man like Rambo?
No Easy Way Out
I have, for as long as I have been interested in politics, been a man of the Right. I am