Thanks to being home a lot more during these past few weeks, I’ve been listening to a lot of music
Author: Identity Dixie Guest
Support Your Local Trucker
Through tribulation, it is important to remember that God can take evil and bring a greater good out of it.
The Resurrection and Christian Hope
This weekend, Christians around the world are celebrating Easter, commemorating the day when Jesus Christ rose from the dead to
Dixie Identity and Our Posterity
Last weekend was usually the weekend that we have our local Civil War battle reenactment. Of course, along with most
Coronavirus and Neo-Serfdom
One of the potential outcomes from the Coronavirus pandemic is that many small businesses will collapse and their dip in
A Call to Repentance
This past month has been one of the most surreal times of my life. What would have been considered Alex
Diary of a Pandemic: The Chinese Coronavirus
Friday, March 13th: It Begins My pregnant wife and I drove to Kroger but we couldn’t find a place to
No Refuge Could Save the Hireling and Slave
A Kinist Response to Russell Moore’s Pathetic Biblical Exposition Against White Nationalism
Stoicism and Coronavirus
I write this as if it feels like the global economy would actually collapse back in 2008 and, if anything,
Real Foreign Collusion
The Democrats have been saying it for some time and I didn’t believe them. “Foreign Collusion! Foreign Collusion!” It seemed