For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
Author: Identity Dixie Guest
Taser, Taser, Taser, Oops
I’m sure by now most reading this are privy to the recent shooting in Minnesota. While one could analyze the
A Fitting Successor to MLK
Recently, thanks almost entirely to the city of Atlanta, Georgians awoke Easter Sunday to discover that their newly elected senator
The Ballad of It or Less and Less
Decline in poetry.
The Unspoken Dilemma of 2020
Dilemma Thirteen months ago, the entire United States was sent into a tailspin of a year. Many faults were exposed
Of Kulaks and Normies
One question I’ve been pondering over the past few years is why has every institution (i.e., the federal government, virtually
It Came from the Suburbs
One of the most significant trends of the past 30 years has been the steady leftwing shift of the suburbs.
Proud to be American?
The yellow banner hung there from a fence in front of an average house in a typical Southern small town.
The Pine Tree
The pine tree has been a recurring symbol in the Dissident Right. Mike Ma helped popularize it with his Pine
A Brief History of American Religion
Unlike many in the Dissident Right who say that “whiteness” is all that matters, most of us at Identity Dixie