When it comes to COVID, it appears that a reprieve from the madness this summer is the best we’re going
Author: Identity Dixie Guest
The Future Is Not Lost
During these terribly tyrannical times, it’s easy to get blackpilled about the doom and gloom of political life. Often folks
The Loss of Music: Country
Throughout my life, I have been intrigued with music. I grew up surrounded by music, and with a brother who
Beyond Toobin Cringe
Who is Jeffrey Toobin and why is he important? In reality, he isn’t important. He is most likely a martyr
Whither Goest Southern Democrat?
The Abbeville Institute vehemently works to document and describe the utter, wholesale eradication of Southern Conservatism. Essay after essay details
Old Man Advice
This is a topic that I am sure has been covered and is as old as time itself. There are
Animal and Divine Minds
Man was made in the image of God. We all remember this saying, even if we can’t remember where in
Conserving for Dixie, Part 2: Two Acres in Dixieville
I wrote an overview of conservation easement syndications here. Commenting that article, Jane Doe asks: “Is there any point in
The Professor and the Proposition
As the “Exceptional Nation” totters and pratfalls further toward perdition, some on what is commonly, if not entirely accurately, known
Wolves in Rainbow Clothing
In the year 2021, it seems nigh impossible to find a space that isn’t buzzing with talk of homosexuality, transgenderism,