Southern Aristocracy “The South remained bound by traditional values and networks of family, kinship, hierarchy, and patriarchy. The North… hurtled

Southern Nationalism
Southern Aristocracy “The South remained bound by traditional values and networks of family, kinship, hierarchy, and patriarchy. The North… hurtled
“We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you
It seems that we are regularly bombarded by attacks upon Southern heritage, history, Confederate flags and monuments, and often hear
There was an article on Lew Rockwell this morning that I agree in part with but not wholly. If I
The winner writes the history, they say, and modern democratic nations are no exception. My recently released book, titled Missing Monarchy:
The Freedom Caucuses are amongst the better things happening in State politics today. Louisiana is blessed to have one, and
As a former liberal, conservative, and libertarian and, for years, a “behind the scenes” political activist, I am happy to
The first time I ever heard of Joseph Weydemeyer was way back in 1978 – ancient history now. A friend
America, the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, was on its way to self-destruction the moment it
Secularism is not in itself unbiased, nor does the removal of Christianity from the public sphere ensure neutrality. Instead, it