In my experience, foreigners are consistently baffled when they find out what “voter suppression” in the US actually entails because
Author: Tom Shackleford
Impotent Articulation
From a mechanical perspective, my mind most frequently conceptualizes America as a toilet. However, watching the drama unfold in the
Unkind Analogies
Turnabout is fair play.
Watch Out For That Tank!
I recall being 18 years old and listening to a sergeant implore us that showing up in the right place,
A Familiar Incident, From Different Playbooks
Demography is difference. That’s why I’m in favor of some sort of community sovereignty for black people where they could
Huitzilopochtli in the Classroom!
We’re the enemies of a transnational power structure that considers our existence inherently problematic, which includes all vestiges of our
Better Liars Ain’t In Their Cards
A hack named Laurie Segall from 60 Minutes (google her for a case study in tribal nepotism) conducted a jailhouse
An Honest Man’s Grift
Demographics differ in their characteristics and yet commonalities traverse the human spectrum. The one I find particularly unnerving is that
Planning to Fail
I’m not happy about the people who’ve hijacked our civilization and are busy destroying it in a vain attempt to
A Plane Crash, Real and Metaphorical
I was watching TV with my lady this weekend when she flipped on to a show about the “mystery” of