Apology: Reasoned argument or writing through systematic argumentation and discourse in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine.
Author: Lancelot Lamar
American Apostate
Make it formal, renounce the State, abjure the realm, walk away.
When There’s Nothing Left to Say
It has been a while since I’ve approached the blank page. Not for a lack of things to say, a
The Dating Game
I have three sons and work with many young men and women, most single and most wanting to be married.
The Vaxx Swan
Looking at the extremes of what the future could look like, the best case is that the financial and political
Believing in Dixie Identity
For several reasons, last week I spoke to a woman in a small town (pop. 14K) in Northern Alabama to
Dixie’s Fighting Weight
We need to have an honest chat. File this one under tough love and fraternal correction. Take a look at
The Myth of the Woman Warrior
Why can’t a woman be more like a man?Men are so honest, so thoroughly square;Eternally noble, historically fair.Who, when you
Black-Pilling Aquinas
Three months before his death in 1274, Thomas Aquinas had a revelation that so affected him that he stopped his
Give War a Chance?
“War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.” Cormac McCarthy,