I recently came across what I think is an exceptional bit of inspiring propaganda. I mean that in the most

Southern Nationalism
I recently came across what I think is an exceptional bit of inspiring propaganda. I mean that in the most
Kaiser’s recent article, “The Difficulty in Keeping Dissidents Engaged” and the others he links to are important reads and especially for how to understand
“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” Eric Hoffer Big Pro-life
“Now in these dread latter days of the old violent beloved U.S.A. and of the Christ-forgetting Christ-haunted death-dealing Western world
“Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! Many are they that rise up against me.” Psalm 3:1 As the
After being out of the South for too many years, I returned and eager to catch up and make new connections. I’ve met
Are We Back? A popular music commentator reported recently on a company that provides deep analysis of Billboard and other
Molon labe…The spirit of the Alamo is alive and well… Texas independence is at hand! And please, pay no attention
The non-stop mixed-race couples in advertising and entertainment is so over the top that even the most moderate of your
I have a bone to pick. As the 2024 predictions begin rolling out from our side, the mostly cool-headed and