After his encounter with the Keeper of the Fire, on that cold October night, when that grey clad spector passed
Author: Father Dabney
Dancing with Weeds
The ever-relentless urging by our beloved editors at Identity Dixie encourages the writers to provide an assortment of articles, helping the
Field of Folly
Southern Poetry
The Heralds and Southern Shame
Note: You do not have to be a Christian, or even religious, to glean truths from ancient texts, such as
The Black Water Keeps Its Secrets: Justice
A heavy fog rested over the little town that night, it moved in from the swamp, came up the river,
The Black Water Keeps Its Secrets: Under the Halo Moon
There is something special about Florida, especially her northern counties. Her swampy, sandy land is paradise to her children. They are
The Noble Carolinians, A Walk to Remember
All of the South is special to me, my restless soul unexplainably and mercifully satisfied in a peacefulness that is
A Walk Among My Fathers
We have been planning this trip for some months, a leisurely time of relaxation for the occasion of our wedding
Are You in Your Story?
“Where there is no vision, the people perish,” quoting from Proverbs. Recently, I’ve written “Keeper of the Fire” and a
Knight Passes, Unquenchable Flame
It was December 20th, 200 years to the day that our beloved South Carolina had taken a stand against tyranny.