Throughout the Obama and Biden Administrations, a new policy of demographic replacement began in earnest throughout the United States. To make the US less White and simultaneously transform states that were turning from “blue” or “red’ to “purple,” the Obama and Biden teams (same thing) dumped millions of migrants into strategic locations. The goal was obvious. The Obama and Biden Administrations sought to make several states like perpetually blue California through demographic reengineering. For the most part, it worked.
Arizona and Georgia are no longer solidly red. The combination of Yankee transplants to those two states coupled with carefully relocated migrants with voting rights changed those two states forever. Maine and Minnesota, two states that were beginning to vote Republican, received hundreds of thousands of Somalis. Michigan became the de facto Arab capital of North America, as its White working class began to move from Labor Democrat to Republican. Texas was outright invaded. Florida lurched far right, despite the invasion, only because of its unique political architecture that protects conservatives. Nearby Alabama, meanwhile, is not as fortunate. It received hundreds of thousands of Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi, and Hispanics. Today, Birmingham has the fastest growing Southwest Asian population in the United States by ratio.
If it is not clear to the often mind-boggling color-blind Republicans, it is crystal clear to Democrats. Race matters and that translates to voting. The fact is that Whites and “People of Color” vote for different things. No amount of magic dirt will change that fact. An Arab landing in America will not become the next James Madison. He has his own racial and ethnic ideals and those contradict Eurocentric ideas on democracy and libertine equality. They also come with a heavy dose of anti-White revenge.
Enter the Afrikaners.
The United States is currently about 58% non-Hispanic White. That is down from 90% in 1965. Whites are now less than half of all new babies born in the United States.
The rapid change in America’s genetic make-up is very clearly experienced in political posture. As we become less White, we also become less ideologically “American.” We grow further and further away from the Constitutional principles of an Enlightenment Era once led by White men. If you want to take some of that back, you have to import White people. The one group that would likely jump at the opportunity and would arrive with a healthy dose of racial awakening are Afrikaners.
Today, it is very obvious that Afrikaners, South Africa’s White Boer descendants, are being genocided by a Marxist government. The murders are not simply an exercise in extermination; they are an exercise in humiliation and savage “vengeance.” I use quotes around vengeance because South African blacks are avenging a myth. The Boers arrived onto a harsh, uninhibited peninsula and carved out a once thriving civilization. Blacks were not there first. They came to the Boers.
Today, that once magnificent civilization can no longer keep the lights on, while it “Expropriates Without Compensation” lands from White farmers. It is racially inspired Marxism against a White racial minority that is increasingly targeted for elimination. We need to help Afrikaners as best we can.
It is time to offer Afrikaners an opportunity to relocate as genuine asylum seekers into the United States.
If I were Trump, I would (A) officially recognize the genocide that is ongoing against Whites in South Africa and (B) offer naturalized citizenship with the same migrant benefits that have been given to non-White migrants for decades to those new White Afrikaner citizens. I would set a time limit – a window of 24 months – to encourage as many Afrikaners to jump on the opportunity – preferably in time to change the next election. More importantly, I would ensure their settlement into areas that are on the Purple-Red political edge. States like Georgia, Texas, Arizona, and North Carolina could use an influx of anti-Marxist White settlers into their states to counter the Yankee transplants who vote leftist and the ethnic groups that support anti White policies.
In sum, if even half of the 3 million Afrikaners came to the United States with their skills, finances, and most importantly, racial realism, that would help return the American political and cultural landscape to something that looks more like its founding than its demise.
The son of a recent Irish immigrant and another with roots to Virginia since 1670. I love both my Irish and Southern Nations with a passion. Florida will always be my country. Dissident support here: Padraig Martin is Dixie on the Rocks (
I love the idea, but I very much doubt that Trumpowitz will go for it. He’s going to be preoccupied with the setting up of his Daniel 3:1 gold image in Trump Gaza. The democratic party may have been the primary instrument resident during the demographic shifts of which you write, but they weren’t the primum mobile to which both parties are subject.
Putin allowed some 10,000 White South Africans to settle in Russia. He leased land for them to farm on Plus utilizing some of them to teach English to Russian students. I believe this has boosted Russian Agricultural.