Disclaimer: This is a nuanced, pragmatic dive into the plausible scenarios for the 2024 election. I’m not playing good politics here, but tackling this subject from a practical, long-term-outlook, “What Is Best for Dissidents?” mindset. Expect to disagree with some of this.
Well, here we are. Just a few days left until the big day.
Regardless of your thoughts on this election, or any elections for that matter, we all know this is a big deal. The entire world pays attention when the United States has our federal circus elections.
This next week will change a lot. It will also shape dissident discussions for a long time to come. The results of this will also help teach us what the underlying plans of our elites are.
Which is why now is the time to be paying much attention.
I felt it appropriate to share my final thoughts on this election before the big day. Especially since my thoughts really have changed a lot over the past few months. And given the fact that I have been very ambiguous in my writings on this topic up to this point.
No more. This article will lay all of it out.
I openly admit I have not been consistent regarding my desires with this election. To be blunt, I don’t really know who the better choice is. This is probably the first election where I have ever felt this way. Normally, I’d have some type of leaning, even if only slightly. But not in this one.
So, where am I now? I am mostly blackpilled on this federal election, honestly. Trump and Kamala are both horrid, disgraceful options. And like I said, I am not sure either of them is any better than the other.
At the end of the day, I support whatever my dissident brothers and sisters decide to do in this election: if you’re voting federal or not. I respect both decisions.
I get both sides, I truly do.
But as for me, I won’t be tossing a vote in this time around.
I will vote for my state and local initiatives/representatives. But not for the presidential race. It will be left blank.
The reason why is that I am not sure that a Trump presidency will be less damaging than a Kamala one.
Radical thought, I know. But let me explain through the six most probable post-election scenarios. Scenarios where we have one of two world geopolitical situations—1) where nothing happens and the world calms down, and 2) where Cataclysm X happens (‘Cataclysm X’ is a catalyst for the major disaster that we all feel is coming—something leading to geopolitical strife like a Middle East War, World War, a major financial crash, etc.)
Given these likelihoods, we have six options:
- Trump wins, and nothing happens (we get a repeat of half-okay 2016 Trump)
- Trump wins, and nothing happens (we get a repeat of complete-failure 2020 Trump)
- Trump wins, and Cataclysm X occurs
- Trump wins, and gets assassinated before his term begins (leading to a Vance presidency)
- Kamala wins, and nothing happens (we get a repeat of the past four years of Biden)
- Kamala wins, and Cataclysm X occurs
Noticed there is not a scenario where Trump is suddenly a rogue dissident warrior. Because that is not going to happen. Listen to his speeches. He’s the same man as before, whether anyone wants to admit that or not. At best, we get a repeat of half-alright 2016 Trump. At worst, we get limp-wristed 2020 Trump.
There is also not a situation where Kamala wins and gets assassinated. Because no one would really care. Dually, nothing would change with her vice president then becoming president. It would be the same story as every other D ticket. Thus, it is rather irrelevant.
So, we have the big six here. Let us review them.
The Big Six: Kaisar’s 2024 Election Scenarios
- Option 1 – Trump wins, and nothing happens (we get a repeat of half-okay 2016 Trump)
Option one is probably the best-case scenario for the average conservative. Maybe Trump would reduce the border crossing a little; maybe it would buy us a lick of time.
But this option still is not great for a dissident. If this repeat happens, the 2020 fraud gets completely swept under the rug. All the progress we have made gets erased with the average person regaining trust in the system. It is the ultimate pressure release valve, to make us lose our gains and stall the inevitable as the country further slides slowly into darkness. Trump 2016 did nothing to stem the tide of our pathway to annihilation; Trump 2024 won’t be any different.
And before anyone forgets, Trump was no vanguard of the Right. He left us out to dry for those four years. Many of our own still rot in prison, even ignoring the (2020 Trump) January 6 situation. Meanwhile, 2016 Trump pardoned numerous black rappers and drug dealers instead.
This option will not help us, it will only hinder us. But, it may buy us a bit more time. However, with the amount of border crossings that have already happened, I’m not sure if that time would be a good thing. A crash sooner may honestly be better in saving our people, rather than dragging this out.
I don’t know; I go back-and-forth with it all the time. But it is far more nuanced than I think most people would like to admit.
Under option one, the system regains credibility. But we do get a little more time out of it… maybe. Is the tradeoff worth it? I don’t know.
- Option 2 – Trump wins, and nothing happens (we get a repeat of complete-failure 2020 Trump)
This option is one where Trump wins, but instead of being the old 2016 Trump, we get the 2020 Trump. You know, the Trump that brought us Operation Warp Speed, the Covid lockdowns, started the massive inflation with free money checks, created the greatest peacetime disaster of all time, and the guy that was hiding in the White House as the blacks destroyed everything. Yeah, that Trump.
Under this scenario, no major catalyst happens during the next four years, but we do have to deal with this pawn in the office.
This option has all the negatives from option one and zero of the positives.
Arguably, the only two good things Trump could do is 1) reduce the border crossings, and 2) help our guys out that are getting reamed in the criminal justice system. This 2020 Trump would deny to resolve either of them. Just like he did nothing to help in 2020, when he had the power to do so.
Some people assume Trump can stop the inflation wave (“save muh economy!”) but people forget he is the one that started it with the stimulus payments. Plus, the dethroning of the USD cannot simply be stopped now given the rise of BRICS. No one, Trump included, can save this economy now without a major war.
One of the predominant reasons I am not voting for Trump is because I think option two is more likely than option one if he wins (and nothing happens). When the pressure ramped up in 2020, he cowed out. Why does anyone think he wouldn’t do the exact same thing again? If anything, his discourse now is weaker than it was in 2016 and 2020!
But I am also at the point where I don’t think we are going to have four years of peace (the “nothing happens” scenario). I think Cataclysm X is coming within the next four years. But we’ll discuss that in the next two options.
- Option 3 – Trump wins, and Cataclysm X occurs
Now, we are getting into the good stuff.
This option is one that I think is most likely. I do expect Trump to win the presidency. Likewise. I also expect Cataclysm X to happen within the next four years.
In this scenario: Trump wins, and we’re off to war. Or something else similar.
This option is, without a doubt, the worst possible scenario. It is far worse than option four and it should not even be compared to six.
The reason why? Because this is the one that will lead many of our own brothers and sisters into the meat grinder.
You know as well as I do that no dissident (or even most conservatives) would go fight a world war under the leadership of Kamala. Hell no. Even writing that sentence, I had to laugh.
The same is not true of Trump. If he takes us to war against Iran, we will have many thousands of our White brothers signing up to go die for him.
The same situation is true no matter the catalyst. If Trump wins, he will lead all of us into the grinder for whatever is coming.
The Left owns the institutions and the media. They can rally their own base even with Trump as the head. Look at Covid as a clear example of that.
The problem is our side. They don’t control us. But with Trump, they will control a significant amount of us.
I do not think us dissidents will be able to overcome that narrative. We are too few in number. We will get washed out. The entire conservative and leftist establishment will be on board against us.
Because of the severity of this possibility, and Trump’s open comments of hostility on the world stage (especially in favor of Israel), I think it is a major calculation error to not be mindful of this risk. If Trump wins, this very well could happen to us.
This is why Trump has the possibility of being the worst-case scenario. Do not underestimate that risk.
- Option 4 – Trump wins, and gets assassinated before his term begins (leading to a Vance presidency)
This option is very similar to option three. Except instead of Trump as the leader under a catalyst, Trump himself is the catalyst. Iran or some foreign country, the scapegoat.
The end result of this is very similar to option three. So, I’m not going to regurgitate it. The crucial difference is that I believe fewer people will be able to get rallied under Vance compared to Trump.
Sure, Trump being assassinated would rally a bunch of people. But Vance just doesn’t have that calling in him. Plus, if Trump gets assassinated, half of the conservatives will think the deep state did it. They won’t buy into the ‘Iran did it’ nonsense. This will save at least some of our boys.
Still, don’t get me wrong. This option is still a terrible one. I just think it is marginally less so than option three. But it remains one of the worst scenarios, nonetheless.
Ironically enough, both of my worst-case scenarios are if Trump wins!
Therein lies the dilemma: a Trump presidency at face value seems logically better than Kamala if nothing happens. However, in the worst-case scenarios, a Trump victory is actually worse.
We can easily see that through Option 5 and 6.
- Option 5 – Kamala wins, and nothing happens (we get a repeat of the past four years of Biden)
Kamala is currently the vice president. There’s nothing unique or different about her compared to any other mainstream Dem. She’s pretty much just Biden, but as an ethnic woman.
If she gets in and no Cataclysm X happens, it’s going to be another four years of the past four years. It really is as simple as that.
Everything will continue to deteriorate, in typical fashion.
She isn’t going to institute communism. She isn’t going to rock the boat at all. It is just going to be another lame four years as things continue to worsen.
However, there is a great practical victory with this for dissidents. If she wins, we remain in the useful position of discrediting the system.
In a fair election, she clearly would not win. So if she does, it is fraud. Just like 2020. This helps us bring more people to our side.
We have a significant lack of manpower right now. We could use those bodies and voices.
Biden “winning” (through fraud) in 2020 seriously sucked. I am poorer and my life has been much harder because of it. However, I can openly admit that, while also recognizing that Biden fraudin’ into the White House was the best thing for us dissidents. We have far more people awake now than before. We have far more people active and building alternatives now than before. Finally, we are also closer to victory than we were before. Compared to if Trump had won in 2020, and everyone and their grandma would have fallen back asleep.
Losing elections provokes activism on our side; a thing we sorely lack if the election goes in our direction.
Look around: the Overton window has shifted so dramatically in these past four years that the narratives in this country are unrecognizable. That was not because of Trump. It was because of Biden. His “victory” radicalized half of even the normie base.
In the long run, we gained more from a discredited system under Biden compared to a minor, partial victory of a lukewarm Trump remaining in office in 2020. That is not something anyone wants to hear, but it is true, nonetheless.
A similar thing could occur in the 2024 election.
So, from a dissident perspective, a Kamala victory is a minor setback, but a much better setup for a stronger play in the future.
Contrary to mainstream expectations, we will never win by having one of our people win an election. Our victory comes through overcoming the system. Which means going outside of it. Which means discrediting it.
Sadly, we have to let the system fall to its depth before we can climb out of it. Kamala might just be that final push we need.
And also, it would simply be hilarious if the United States finally collapses under its first ethnic woman president. That would be such a grand story you could only find in the history books.
- Option 6 – Kamala wins, and Cataclysm X occurs
Now we come to our final option. In this option, we have the Cataclysm X from the Trump scenarios above, but with Kamala as president.
I think it is rather obvious that this would be less harmful than if Trump was the leader.
Kamala would simply have no power in rallying conservatives or dissidents.
More importantly, however, the internal dysfunction that would stem from a situation like this would be catastrophic. I truly do not think the country would be able to remain united as one under such a situation.
For one, no one would’ve trusted the election results. So, no one would go to war for her. For two, the polarity would have increased exponentially. Leading to a break in the country.
This is good for us. This may be our one chance out. Not without struggle, of course, but I think we all know that this reality is inevitable.
The equation is simple: Kamala + Disaster = a chance, however small, for Heritage Americans to break off our chains.
I know some of you may disagree, and would imagine that a Trump presidency would be better if a catalyst happens because Trump might somewhat protect us from it.
But I caution against that thought. Again, think back to Covid. It really was not much difference at all between Trump and Biden’s response. Trump is even the one that made the vaccines: a fact he is still proud about.
Even with the vaccine mandates, Trump did nothing to stop private companies from enforcing it. Biden used the state, while Trump used private industry. Guess what? In both situations, it still happened regardless! Who cares what the means were? So many libertarian-types get so bent out of shape when the state screws us, but if a coordinated and consolidated financial elite does it, then it’s fine. But sadly, I don’t think like that. I think it is evil, regardless of the elite’s pathway to enforcing it.
Us old-time dissidents call it ‘the uniparty’ for a reason. The ruling elites may use different tactics, so it seems different, but the end result is still the same.
Either way, I believe under a Kamala presidency, we’d actually have more pushback against all possible centralizer arenas, no matter the catalyst that occurs.
Concluding Thoughts
I have heard some people saying that ‘if X wins, a civil war will happen’. I don’t buy it. An American civil war will not happen over a preferred political candidate not winning. Americans are far more docile now than they were in the 1800s, and their livelihood is not (observably to the normie) at stake. Civil wars now happen when the power is out, or people can’t buy food.
No one is going to go lose their life or risk prison because either Kamala or Trump wins the presidency. Just look at 2020. Massive fraud happened, and hardly no one did a thing. Those who tried went to prison for Jan 6 (and Trump left them to rot, by the way). The exact same will happen again. Civil War will only happen in this country when the people have been pushed too far. That is not us… yet. This election won’t change the reality of the current American condition.
So, with all of this in mind, we have to think pragmatically. What is in our best interests over the long-term given these two candidates?
That is a question that I cannot decide for you. You need to earnestly think about these scenarios and make your own decision.
I, personally, think the answer depends on what happens in the world. Will Cataclysm X happen or not? Disappointingly, none of us are mind readers. Therein lies the problem with this election. It is not nearly as clear-cut as the previous ones.
My personal opinion is that if nothing happens, and the world remains calm, Trump will probably be a better president for us dissidents. He will slow things down and perhaps give us more time to prepare. We’ll lose some conservatives to the system again, but we’ll have four years to build more institutions and enhance the ones we have started. That is a trade I would cautiously take right now.
However, if Cataclysm X does happen, I truly think Kamala would be the better choice for us. The disunity she would cause could finally be enough to destroy the system. I am talking end-stage Roman Empire, literally coupled with a weak leader and an invading horde already within our borders.
So, the real question isn’t Trump versus Kamala; it is are you in the ‘nothing ever happens’ camp? Or are you in the ‘stuff is about to go down camp’? That should direct your thoughts more than anything else.
Sadly, at the end of the day, neither of the candidates is a truly good option. Neither of them are even an “alright” option. Both are bad; just different flavors of it.
I know that is not a popular opinion, and it is not what most people want to hear. But this article isn’t for them. I have plenty of those; go find them. This one is for the dissidents. The ones that are truly out there, thinking and war-gaming these scenarios.
As a final disclaimer, I openly admit I could be wrong. That is why I am not telling you what to do, or if you should vote. I’m just telling you my thoughts and why I am staying out of this one.
I will end this by saying one thing you should absolutely do for this election, which is pray. This election is the largest dumpster fire (s)election I have seen in my entire lifetime.
Pray, and then pray again. For God’s will to be done in this election—Whatever that may look like.
Because this situation is so disastrous that God alone can help us now.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at hiddendominion.com. Eph. 5:11.
Consent of the governed.
Every time you vote in a Federal election you give consent to the illegitimate (outside the Constitutional limits) centralized Federal government. If enough citizens withheld their consent of this government God would surely notice. Think on that.
The Band: Radio Birdman!
The Song: Desent Into The Mealstorm!
Dixie gear up!
God Bless!
We as dissidents need to find a way to starve the system when they fake up this election and install the ho. Some kind of mass protest that involves not sending funds in to the government by a number of people so massive they cannot go after individuals is what is needed.
Interesting thoughts brother. One thing that may happen with a Trump victory, the Left pushes back so hard that Left Wing stares push for secession, and we should accommodate them by expulsion from the union.
I certainly would not complain with this scenario. Great thoughts as usual Dabney!