Bringing Abortion Back to the Forefront 

While the Right is busy high-fiving themselves about how ridiculous it looked that the Democrats allowed Planned Parenthood to set up a trailer to provide free abortions* and vasectomies at the now-concluded Democratic National Convention, they miss the larger plot. “I can’t believe they were that dumb!” Dumb? Their stunt wasn’t just not-dumb, it was brilliant. It was evil, ghoulish, and proof of the fact that the party is in sorte diaboli, but it was tactically sound. 

On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Dobbs v. Jackson that, in simple terms, the question of the legal status of abortion would return to the states. The entire country erupted. Cheering, gloating, and celebration occurred on the Right as the first quantifiable “step backwards” towards a saner age had occurred. The Left, equally emotional, shrieked, wailed, and swore revenge. 

While some say revenge is a dish best served cold, issues have a shelf-life in politics. Leftists swore they’d remember this at the ballot-box in 2024, but predictably, they were grandstanding about Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and the Mar-a-Lago raid by August. Trump, in his primary and presidency, played the media like a fiddle. The media and the leftist mob could never make a single “outrage” into a “Monica Lewinski” moment for Trump because they couldn’t help themselves and always shifted coverage to the next outrageous thing he did. Their case of ADHD outlived the Trump presidency. Despite running a feeble piece every week or so about “how people in Arkansas are fighting back against the abortion ban” and other provocative pieces, the ember died out and people found new things to get angry about. Most people had forgotten about the ban, as it had virtually zero impact on them, and moved on with their lives. 

Historically, abortion drives engagement in vast swaths of the Democratic Party, particularly its female majority (possible supermajority). After Trump won in 2016, they took to the national mall with their ridiculous pink hats to declare that Trump would take away their right to choose. They were shocked, horrified, and incredulous that he did, through his Supreme Court appointments. He wasn’t supposed to be able to do that. In fact, activists broke into the Capitol building with no legal repercussions (as opposed to January 6th self-guided tourists) to protest the confirmation hearings for Justice Brett Kavanaugh. 

The Democratic Party knew that a two-year-old issue is one of their most powerful and energizing causes, but struggled with how to bring it up effectively and refocus the mob off the current outrage du jour, which was the “weirdness” of Vance. How would they do this? They’d have Planned Parenthood set up an abortion wagon right outside of their convention center and let everything fall into place. 

The media covered it in neutral-to-positive tones and gave it some exposure. People started to remember the ruling of 2022. Then the Right stepped in and behaved predictably and amplified the message beyond anything the DNC could have dreamed of. Grandmothers on Facebook, Groypers on X (formerly Twitter), and content-creators on YouTube were all shining the spotlight on the despicable evil that permeated the Democratic Party, that they would have the gall to set up an infanticide camper right outside of their event. It dwarfed any other single outrageous moment of the convention and will continue to as the event fades further into memory. 

Despite the incredulity of good and honest people, the abortion bonanza will not have any negative effect on the Harris campaign. It can only help them. The Democratic base is composed of people who — A: gleefully endorse this type of behavior, or B: have a proven history of holding their noses and tolerating it because they think abortions should be safe, legal, and rare or because their union teacher salary or immigration status is more important. 

The only people honked off about this are the people on the Right. And the Right is about as energized as it’s been since 2016 due to a dumpster fire inflation economy, tranny grooming, and immigration. Let’s face it, we’ve also developed our own form of “current event” ADHD, and this will be a, “hey, remember when they put a big blue baby-killing bus out front of the DNC,” type of thing. The Kamala gaffe machine is just getting started. She has to win, and therefore campaign, in a combination of 8 or so different states. If she were on the road any more than she will be in the next few months, she’d be a pothole. She’ll do something dumb the first week of September and the DNC Abortion meme will be indexed and a new one will dominate. 

But the Supreme Court abortion narrative got a breath of fresh air for the Left and will stick around. The cat ladies finally remembered what had them so cheesed off in the summer of 2022, and they’re probably a little embarrassed that they forgot about it. The Harris campaign will likely weave a reminder into every speech that they need to show up to pay Trump back for the ruling and so that she can stuff the court with Talmudic law scholars and ethnic minorities. They did what seemed impossible in the era of 24-hour ADHD meme-driven news-cycles. They successfully resurrected a two-year-old outrage and gave it new life. I’ll leave the reader to reflect on the irony. 

*In the interest of transparency, I’ll note that Planned Parenthood claims they were only providing “abortion medication.” NPR eruditely described the medication as “abortion pills.” Despite the abortion procedure supposedly being simple, quick, and safe, Planned Parenthood felt they couldn’t perform it in the given facilities and without admitting rights and ease-of-access to a local ER. What’s terrifying is that they found the facilities adequate to perform vasectomies.


  1. A candidate in either party cannot be elected today if he takes a principled stand against abortion and/or homosexuality. This reality gives new meaning to the Dabney quote about ‘American Conservatism’ in his essay “Women’s Rights Women”.

    1. Feral women, feral nation. It’s football season. Man caves all over will be smelling of bbq and dereliction. There will be voting harder and gnashing of teeth and another 30 years of sleep.

  2. What’s terrifying and gross, in addition to the normalization of unborn murder, is the normalization of healthy getting snipped like animals. In any setting.

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