A few days ago, a friend of mine sent me a screenshot of an engagement he had with a miserable Yankee boy. The Yankee was very proud that his social media accounts were populated with despairing remarks about Southerners, our ancestors, our way of life, etc. However, because of the current political dilemma facing the viability of the American Empire, and in a spirit of unity, he would let bygones be bygones. All hands-on deck was his cry in order to shore up support for Donald Trump. In fact, he would graciously join forces with us, poor rednecks that we are, in order to keep that Dot (not feather) Indian chick from becoming president and, in so doing, save his precious Union.
Unfortunately for him, we don’t need his pity, his acceptance, nor his benevolence. No, sir, the Grand Ole Party needs us, and that’s how it’s been at least since about 1968. That’s why President Nixon (may he rest in peace), fearful of the strength of a George Wallace candidacy, developed what is historically called the Southern Strategy. I won’t go too deep into the weeds on this issue, we have more capable writers here at ID to address that topic. What I will do, if I may, is pontificate on the importance of the Southern states in this year’s presidential election.
The common strategy in recent presidential elections has been to focus on the Rustbelt. Make an appeal to those forgotten voters in hard hit industrial areas north of the Ohio River. After all, those are the truest of true Americans, and they represent us all. I’ve heard this mantra so many times that it makes me want to vomit. The fact that their societies have no political cohesion attests to their lack of identity. People from the Upper Midwest are as flavorless as tofu, just as full of soy, and completely unnecessary to win the election.
Of course, it’s always good to win more electoral votes, but the true path to victory for Trump is to sweep the South. If he can march through Georgia, ride on the back of that negro Republican running for governor in North Carolina, rally the resistance in the Shenandoah, pull the hillbillies out of their hollers long enough to put an X in front of Trump’s name, he’s got a real good chance to win. And, he can do it without Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Now, the margin will be thinner than a gnat’s hair, but it can be done. However, if Trump loses just one Southern state, his path to victory will be determined in the courts. And the forgotten territory from the Old Confederacy he has to win, even by the smallest of margins, is Arizona. That’s right, Yankee readers, Arizona was once part of the Confederacy. Hopefully, enough of the good Californians have moved there to turn the tide. I know patriots have been hard at work to limit the amount of fraud since the last election. So, look to Arizona as to how well election integrity is developing, it will be the bellwether.
It is quite possible Trump loses, since the retardation level in the Midwest is astronomical. Notoriously, they can’t even decide if they want to be communists, or quasi-socialist. Trump cannot rest his whole political career, possibly his freedom, on people who consistently waffle between the Left and Right. He has to exhaust his efforts in the South.
I will admit, my spirit is torn regarding the outcome of this election, and for many reasons. If Trump loses, we get endless Third World immigration, astronomical taxes and inflation, and more poverty and servitude among our people. But, it may result in the states taking their rightful role as sovereigns and secure a future for their citizens. If he wins, we may get a moratorium on immigration, the economy may improve, but unfortunately our people will think the conflict with the communists is over and normalcy will be restored. Of course, a Trump victory may give us time to build the necessary political infrastructure to act as a government in waiting.
Regardless of the outcome of the election, the South should be our only focus. Allying with Yankees to save their godless Union should never be an avenue we walk. Our ancestors deserve our resistance.
Deo Vindice!
God save the South!

Service to God and honor to the South.
The Grand Ole Party might need us, but they HATE us. I have news for them….the feeling is mutual. Mississippi tax parasite/GOP senator Roger Wicker said of our 1894 Mississippi flag (which contained the Confederate flag in the upper left), “it belongs in a museum.” I really can’t see how any self-respecting, unreconstructed Southerner can support them at the ballot box. They are all Zionist tools of Israel and the war profiteers. It’s just that simple.
They do hate us, and our support for their candidates must only be strategic. We are embedded deep inside their party, and soon they will feel our presence. Not all is lost.
A Hoosier here. Although I love Indiana. I was born and raised here, I cannot help but have a respect for the South. After all my ancestors were from the South originally, Virginia, North Carolina. One of them came to Indiana in 1818. My Father was a Civil War follower. On of his heroes was Robert E. Lee. I have the Stars and Bars flag hanging in my room, alongside the Liberty Flag from South Carolina, the Marine Corps flag, and the Flag of Portugal, where some of my ancestors came from to America prior to the Revolution. In ending here: God Bless the South.
Great thoughts Dabney, and I share your outlook on the overall election.
My personal opinion would change some of the states, though. I think Iowa is a solid red state; no chance that it goes for Kamala. The corn people love Trump. Additionally, I think both Nevada and New Hampshire are lost. Nevada especially, given personal experience. They are so deep in corruption that I see no reason to even waste time in that state.
Still, even with those switches Trump would still pass 270.
All of this relies on no election fraud, though. Which is not possible. The Kamala Camp really only needs to do fraud in 1-2 prime states like GA and AZ to swing the election.
The deep state has this one in the bag already due to that, we just don’t know which candidate they’ve already selected.
Just my two cents.
Thanks for your input. New Hampshire is a weird mix, toss up, but I included it. Hopefully, Iowa is in that camp.
A move to Russia, at this point, would be the most sane option. But I can’t bring myself to tear myself away from my home and my people to become a rootless refugee among a people who aren’t my own.
I’m no jew, after all. I suppose I’ll have to see the wretched whore of Babylon off from her backyard.
I’m not convinced there’s a “lesser of two evils” in 2024. To quote Yeats: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” Neither candidate believes in what they SAY they stand for, or will do.
There’s nothing hidden anymore about the vassal status of the U.S. government. It’s later than many of us think.
This is just an estimation of a strategy, I don’t vote for Yankees, ever.
Thought-provoking article, but at the same time, there is no scenario where New Hampshire and Virginia go to Trump but not Iowa. Iowa probably won’t even be contested by Ds.
PA is the most winnable of the 3 northern swing states. AZ and GA are obviously must win.
Oh the irony of the author mentioning the astronomical retardation level of the Midwest, without even knowing that his level of retardation is far, far greater. To believe that elections and voting are actually real, to believe that no matter whom is installed as the puppet in the White House that it will make a lick of a difference (including ignoring head tiny hat fellator’s track record in his first go round as the puppet), and not even being able to identify the true enemy (hint, Yankees, Northerners etc. are not it) is next level retardation. Therein lies the problem, people too stupid to realize that they are stupid.