“Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! Many are they that rise up against me.”
Psalm 3:1
As the American clown car careens around what may be one of the final curves, it would be good to come to terms with what you and I are capable of doing about it.
The correct answer is, nothing.
But there’s a prudential powerless nothing, like understanding you can’t change the weather and that shaking your fist at clouds is silly. Then there’s a slothful and stupid nothing, like choosing to not get out of the rain and lightning.
As fun as it might be, daring to predict the future is more than a little played out. Too many have been predicting an inevitable life in the Thunderdome since the 2007-2008 financial crisis. (I literally don’t know anyone who wouldn’t have preferred that over the reality of the last 15 years.) Nevertheless, let’s examine five looming issues in context of the two ways in which you can Do Nothing.
The injustice is extreme and the final act in the psycho fantasy of the Regime is only just beginning to play out.
The prudential Do Nothing response is do not Fedpost, do not attend a rally, do not donate, do not argue with the impenetrably stupid, do not contact your congressman, and do not worry because you are completely and utterly powerless to save The Donald or fix the system.
If Trump is alive and actually on the ballot, the stupid Do Nothing is to not vote for him. In spite of him embodying the Yankee Boomer, and for all his faults, all the missteps, all the kowtowing to POCs, Israel, and celebration of MAGA trannies, if there’s even a 1% chance he will actually begin deportations (or at least get the conversation into the mainstream), you have to support him. If your position is that “my vote is meaningless because the system is rigged,” you’ve brought a smile to the faces of Hector and Camacho. The South will not survive four more years of MesoAmerican enrichment.
The Economy
Inflation, the deliberate killing of the dollar, the impending release of a BRICS currency, the fact that a double wide can now cost as much as a stick frame home did just five years ago… these are just a few of the very real things that may quickly go from bad macro problems to micro crisis, as in your wallet is noticeably thinner.
The wise Do Nothing is to not spend a penny more than you need on non-essentials until you see how 2024 plays out. It is remarkable the collapse hasn’t happened, and it may just limp along for years and years. Or not. I clearly remember 2007 and the hot moments since then and things do feel significantly more urgent.
The stupid Do Nothing is not to spend every penny you can spare on things that you will continue to need, use and that you may depend on to live and trade with, like extra chain saws, food, and laying hens. Crypto, gold coins and a second Trijicon ACOG should not be on that list.
Pick the continent, spin the wheel, win a conflict. The rumors say nuclear is incoming imminent, wonks say mostly regional fighting is still decades away. With collapsing birth rates across the First World and the rise of non-Western powers, wars will certainly come.
The prudential Do Nothing means don’t have any anxiety over this. We are very small fish in a pond with whales. Like trying to reform a three letter agency or saving Trump from having a fatal slip and fall accident in his cell, realize you’re powerless.
The slothful and stupid Do Nothing would be to not discourage someone who’s ready to enlist right now. Shoot them in the foot if you need to. Think about how to keep as much normalcy in your family’s lives if supply chains grind to a halt, and start closing gaps.
As much as our darker side might be happy to see urban blue centers under mushroom clouds, it means you’re probably going to die, too. Doing nothing to get right with God and striving to remain in a state of Grace would be a mistake.
Civil Unrest
The malnourished underclasses are sent from Rent-a-Mob.com for reasons of justice and rage, people behaving badly when the WIC debit card shows a zero balance, the weekend release of a new Nike… the tempo of street violence and in particular POC v. Whitey is increasing.
The smart Do Nothing is to not protect feelings but have the courage to calmly tell normie friends and family that this is a racial problem first. Even if blame could be assigned to ideological brainwashing by the Left, unfair economics, past grievances, or a bad batch of Covid bath salts on the streets, it does nothing to change the reality that the zombies want to eat your brain. The prudential Do Nothing also means having no guilt for accepting that this reality can’t be changed and you’re not a bad person filled with hate for understanding this.
The stupid Do Nothing is to not move away from zip codes with zombies. If you’re not also actively building friendships with likeminded people within a ten-mile radius that you can count on to watch your family, put out a fire, or have a meal with, realize zombies have cars and they will figure out where you live sooner or later. You’ll need people you can count on to help keep them away.
Reconstructed, reimagined, regurgitated. For every bright spot in the South, there are two with mold that need bleaching.
Do Nothing to actively support local politics courting corporations to relocate to the South because it’s good for the economy and will create jobs. These companies are cancer. They forever change rural and urban areas as they import workers and their out of state cultures (often from out of country), and with disproportionate influence, they are making communities, the schools, and coffee shops gay.
You should Do Nothing to support or emulate a culture that wants to kill you. Do Nothing to make peace with the Yankee zeitgeist and style, no matter how alluring or cool as it may seem. It is all deception.
Do Nothing selfish or stupid to hurt the cause of a Free Dixie. This begins with understanding we’re each an ambassador and Doing Nothing that shows you take this role seriously in our public and private conduct, including how we look physically, is a big miss.
We have a movement of spirit more than an organized body. A broad and unified coalition acting in a coordinated effort (even if operating under the radar) doesn’t exist at a scale large enough to make a difference yet given the pressing rate of change and possible chaos. Get connected with people locally (they are there) and use the resources available to smartly evangelize for Dixie. Legacy Southern Heritage organizations are not perfect, but they are forward facing and could probably use our support and charitable input. Infighting and publicly attacking them and each other is harmful. The manly and right thing to do is privately communicate and discuss problems. For those not yet onboard, from the outside, we look fractured, sometimes crazy, definitely unappealing.
Do Something
The bad news is that life is not going to get easier and these big problems, regardless of their timelines, will not peacefully resolve themselves. The good news is individually and collectively we can do something right now.
Some of the most complex trench systems during the Civil War were dug by hand and in just a few weeks. We likely have months to years to dig in. There will be no excuse for being caught in the open.

‘Cause down in Alabama, you can run, but you sure can’t hide.
You actually think trumpf is some sort of solution? The only way out of this is an americanized version of the nsdap. same problem…same solution
It stings to find out they were funded and subverted from within by their enemy. Same is happening now in Ukraine, Gaza, and happened here in the north in the 1860’s.
Every nationalist movement should safeguard against it.
History will continue to recycle itself, but i can only imagine it’s more fun to minimize the mess.
With all that said, when will the laws and surveillance state say it’s ok for us to organise? Lol
Excellent article right here. Especially the parts on voting.
Will certainly annoy the never voters, but that’s a good thing in my book.
Well said, and thanks for this! A distinct lack of leadership shows as a weak point, and your suggestions are good advice for future direction an individual may guide towards!
Greetings from a Northern Copperhead behind enemy lines. I understand your thoughts on Yankeedom, I do, however I pray you understand that there are a whole boatload of people who reside where I am that despise “Yankeedom” as much as you all do.
We’re doing our part here. So far I have managed to talk three young, local men out of wasting their lives in the military and I agree with you, despite Trump’s flaws, if there’s even a remote chance he’ll attempt to deport the sewage coming across our border, we need to vote for him. God bless and take care.
Steve…I know there are good people up there. My time in Amish-land PA and travel through the mid-Atlantic proved it. The rural areas felt A LOT like the South. The clothing, the trucks, the non-FM radio country music, the attitudes and loathing regarding the Feds, ZOG, etc… and even the rural twang. I saw more battle flags and truck decals there then I do now. I’d happily replace the rural population of many Northern states with the people living in Nashville and surrounding sprawl.