A Traitor and His Flags

Have you ever been called a traitor, or had your ancestors called traitors? Have you flown your Confederate flag, and some worthless soul tried to diminish its valor by calling it treasonous? Well, they are correct, and you should embrace your seditious heart and the rebelliousness of your ancestors. For me, a traitor I shall always be, without remorse or repentance. And I came to this end most naturally, for I am the defiant offspring of my father’s parents. Yes, “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” Oh, that was my first motto. 

My soul rebelled against a neglectful monarch two centuries ago, birthed by the tenacity of my forefathers. Defiantly resolved on Sullivan’s Island, they took their stand in a fortress of little more than sand and palmetto. And from those days my fathers have waved a flag with a crescent moon. A traitor’s flag of the deepest blue, as dark as night, and a palmetto that shall not swoon.

In pursuit of their treasonist victory, my Carolinians never rested, not when the fight had not been won. My fathers badgered the British, along with General Greene, in the swamps and fields of their homeland, hoping to spare themselves a traitor’s end. And, they did not relent until that job was done. Chasing Cornwallis up the coast, they pursued with no time loss, coming to Virginia in gallant aid, under the traitors’ flag sewn by Betsy Ross. 

Less than a century later, traitors again to tyranny my kinsmen would be. When no peace could be found, and the tyrant’s bow was strung, the treacherous nature of my ancestors rose up again. They unfurled their country’s flag, transformed by the color of rage and blood, matching that tyrant Lincoln’s fury. “Big Red” alerted its sons to battle, and Fort Sumter was once again in the bosom hold of her mother. But we were not through, and when our brothers joined us, we all united in battle under a flag that would be the symbol of resistance all over the world until this very day! 

How glorious it is to betray a system that will deny you the right to freely associate with those whom you will. How refreshing it is to push back against invaders, defending liberty, ensuring freedom, and upholding the rule of law for your people. What satisfaction it is to secure a home for your posterity, and being railed against by those whose doom is sure.

So, if treachery is flying a banner honoring those that did such things, then treachery it is, and a traitor I shall always be. 

Keep ’em flying! 

Deo Vindice!

God save the South!


  1. With the current regime you are suspect if you fly the Betsy Ross Flag or the Gadson flag. I proudly fly these flags at my home. I also fly the Virginia state flag with its motto “Sic Semper Tyrannis”, I believe it holds more meaning today.

  2. Best wishes Father Dabney.And yes I have been insulted in such a way.In fact it was by a chief of staff from my Congressmans office.I had called to complain about his vote for the stupid Juneteeth holiday and was hung up on by a staffer who claimed my opposition as a constituent was racist.Guess we aren’t allowed to have an opinion in this Jewish Democracy.I called to complain and the chief of staff said the matter had been handled but wouldn’t state how so I knew there was no reprimand.Then he stated that my Confederate ancestors were traitors(so we see how this Republican Rep sets the tone for his staff by his choice of top man).I told him that was absurd and that any man has a right to support the government or group that fits him best.These people are Jew controlled wretches and have nothing decent in them.The Republican Congressman subsequently had an affair and wife divorced him.Chief of staff who I learned was a former pro gambler turned political hack/lobbyist has quit.So you see what trash fill both Dem and GOP.A man or woman can leave a relationship that doesn’t work out so why can’t people form a new country that suits them.Answer:They Can!And God bless them.As a man created by the Lord God I alone get to decide what fits me.But in this life others wish to control us and they most often lie and repeat the lies hoping we will just surrender our rights.I say we make them work for it.Long live the South and the old Confederacy.God bless all here who come in good faith.

    1. Quite right Rebel Roy. Even Lincoln said that any people, anywhere, have the revolutionary right to shake off the existing government and form a new one that suits them better. He called it a most valuable and sacred right.

  3. I love your articles in particular FD, but I would have to argue that the Southland, especially the Carolinas, has just as much a proud loyalist past as a “patriot” (Whig) one. Perhaps it is a slight bias, as my own ancestors were Tidewater Loyalists by way of Virginia. But the entire reason the British established the southern campaign — which was, militarily, a smart strategy — was because the Southern colonies already had a highly esteemed reputation for being staunch loyalists. I think our people often forget that American Tories regarded themselves as ardent patriots as much as their Whig adversaries. A fantastic book I might recommend that further illustrates this is “Cousins’ Wars: War, Politics, Religion, and the Triumph of Anglo-America” by Kevin Phillips. Excellent book. Catholic historian Charles Coulombe (who has many times expressed his strong enthusiasm and adoration for the South and it’s history) also writes and speaks about this. Another great one you might want to check out is “With Zeal and with Bayonets Only” by Matthew H. Spring.

    1. Very true, I debated a professor in college regarding the civil war in South Carolina during the first war for independence.

  4. I had my location set to Mississipi on my Twitter account some years ago. You guys won’t believe what kind of abuse I would get. Even some minor celebrities would jump on the mob bandwagon. The southerners are truly the most discriminated against minority in America.

  5. If you’re ever called a traitor just reply, ‘No, you’re covenant-breaker.’

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