One of the great classics of cinema history is Joe Dirt. It is a movie filled with wit, wisdom, humor, and a phenomenal soundtrack. In one scene, our protagonist has pulled up to a production studio and when asked his name, he replies with Joe Dirt, but pronounces his last name as “deer-tay,” as though it’s French. The gate guard tells him, “Don’t try to church it up, son. Don’t you mean Joe Dirt?” The lovable loser tried to church up his last name. He tried to make something sound fancy which actually was, in fact, just dirt. Some people might think it was rude of the security guard to take Joe down a peg like that, but he was asking Joe to simply be honest about a basic fact that cannot be altered because Joe desired it to be so. “Don’t try to church it up, son” is a wonderfully simple phrase, and in its simplicity is power. It is one we need to use, and use more often when facing the antagonists of all we hold dear.
Those who seek to destroy us are masters of using complicated, often circular, logic to justify things that are harmful or flat out evil. They scour up obscure historical references to fallen, godless civilizations that collapsed so long ago that the records we have are stories passed down by the civilizations who came after them. Pointing out that these ancient civilizations practiced slavery gets us lectured about it being a different time, or our self-appointed betters patiently inform us that just because they did one wrong thing does not negate all their good. Funny how selectively that kind of nuance and intellectual effort is applied, isn’t it?
Beyond the irrelevant historical references, they love to invent studies using fallacious data to support their logic defying agendas. We are supposed to be impressed that a recent study has shown something, and never ask questions about the sample size, sample composition (who these people in the sample were), and what the questions were. That is, assuming they bothered with the facade of actually conducting a study. We have, as previously mentioned, seen the results of studies trotted out only to find out the study was never done.
They used to call people like us “simple,” and have since replaced that with the word “uneducated.” They have found a more demeaning, condescending term for people who see through the house of cards they construct for what it is. We know it’s pronounced “dirt” and refuse to play along. They resent our stubborn adherence to reality. They despise the fact that we refuse to be wowed by their nonsense or impressed with their babble.
We see this when it comes to the 957 imaginary genders mentally ill women thrust upon themselves (and their kids, but more on that in a moment) and homosexual men with additional mental illnesses use to try to sound fancy. Gender is not a fluid; it is a binary state. It is one or the other. A person’s skeleton is either capable of giving birth or it is not. Their bone density, muscle density, and DNA all clearly declare one gender or the other. They can no more be both than they can be neither, much less some third thing simultaneously. We all know it, they know it, and it is well past time we start telling them to stop trying to church it up. They’re just mentally ill and desperate for attention. It’s really that simple.
This is no more evident than when it comes to the protection of children. Tens of thousands of words have been written in “academic” papers about how children, who are too young to even drive, somehow know they were born in the wrong body. And, how toddlers, who can’t read or write, are somehow able to consent to seedy activities with adults.
We are told that things, like Drag Queen Story Hour, are “beautiful” and “liberating,” and we are given all kinds of multisyllabic jabber about how children need to be exposed to sexually degenerate, toxic filth when they are at their most impressionable. We are told that “minor attracted persons” shouldn’t be ashamed, that they shouldn’t have to hide their attraction to children or even seek help. We are the luddites. We are the regressive weirdos for wanting children to just be children. We are the dangerous ones because a minister molested a child at some point in history, as if we held the child down for him and he got away with it.
Despite all their smug, condescending, completely fictitious codswallop, a few simple facts remain unalterable. They want children to be around sexual deviants. They want to expose your children to pornography. They want to talk to your children about sex in graphic terms and about acts that are so vile that they damage the body, mind, and soul. They want to and actually have demonstrated these acts in the classroom, in front of these children. They want to take their innocence away so that some pervert can hit on them without consequences. It really is that simple. They want men in lingerie to have access to your children.
If confronted with such evil, we must tell them not to church up their pedophilia. If they deny it, the only other answer is that they hate children because they’re trying to sexualize them and expose them to things they’re too young for. They know it. Everyone knows it. Nobody, except perverts (or the demonically influenced), has any interest in forcing children to be sexually exposed. There is no benefit to it for the child or society, so the reasons must be malicious and selfish. It really is that simple. Anything else is hogwash and unacceptable.
Don’t let them church it up. Any of it. Don’t even let them finish the sentence. Don’t ask them why they think it’s okay, it doesn’t matter. We know it’s not, and they know it’s not. If they didn’t think it was wrong, they wouldn’t try to church it up and use fancy language to try to obfuscate their intentions. If these guys actually thought there was nothing wrong with trying to force everyone around them to pretend they’re a girl, they wouldn’t freak out when they look in a mirror or hear their actual name, as opposed to their transvestite code name. If these mentally ill mothers and demonically possessed homosexuals didn’t think what they were doing to children was wrong, they wouldn’t demand validation from strangers in an attempt to drown the voice of their moral compass.
There is a certain confidence someone has when they know in their heart what they’re doing is right. It’s why you see people in traditional families much happier than their counterparts in faux “families.” They don’t need 47 pages of single-spaced gibberish to explain that what they’re doing is morally right, because it simply is and, again, everyone knows it. They don’t need some smirking comedian pretending to be a journalist to make fun of their detractors, because there is nothing to denigrate. There is no aspersion that can truly deconstruct what is morally good and right because it is morally good and right. All but the most broken people find true happiness there. By no means is it without flaws and difficulties, but it doesn’t require churching up. Just Church.

I was going to write on this same subject, same line of thought. And I would have done a disservice to the subject, compared to your articulation sir.
The Empire has no clothes, itβs morality is degeneracy. We must not allow them the occupy the public spaces on this matter anymore.