Are the Antifa “Marxists”?

For a long time, I have called antifa “Marxists.” There is no doubt that their inferior station – dysgenic, intellectual inferiority, emotional imbalance, etc. – drives them to seek imposed equal outcomes versus equal opportunities. They simply cannot compete, thus they band together to compel a reduction in standards such that they no longer need to compete. That is what genuinely drives them. But are they truly Marxists? They are not. I was wrong.

The fact is, the entirety of antifa actually works for globalist interests. They are the foot soldiers for capitalist institutions. Black bloc tactics are de facto supported, financially and legally, by both the U.S. government and corporations. At first, one may ask “why” corporations would support groups that advocate some element of Marxism. After all, Marxism, when given the opportunity, eventually consumes and destroys private institutions. There are two reasons.

First, corporations and governments strongly believe they can control contagions. Marxism is no exception. Thus, they believe they can give enough Marxism to the people that it will satisfy the masses, while simultaneously depriving the most virulent voices on the Left who seek further revolution. This is why the government has coopted the antifa. It is largely to give them a voice, move to the Left, and say to the broader population, “See, we did something.” What governments do not understand is that doing so will not be enough in the 21st Century. The fire cannot be contained with platitudes.

Second, capitalism and Marxism are two sides of the same coin – literally. They are economic ideologies predicated on ideals that reduce everything to a transactional exchange versus more complex interactions that weak minded individuals cannot comprehend, like national identity, culture, and faith. As such, corporations need some element of protectionism and consumerism to co-exist. The freer an economy, the greater the threat from an upstart small business or new technology. The antifa fills the role as the guardians of the status quo by ensuring enough protectionist sentiment remains in the public space while simultaneously punishing those who attempt to depart the consumer driven reservation – such as nationalists or advocates of a parallel economy.

The antifa are, therefore, better described as status quo guardians. They work for globalist interests. They work for big money corporations. They work for a U.S. government that relies on such corporations.

This is why they do not protest wars. They do not assault exploitative corporations. They do not protest for the preservation of American labor. They assault those who seek to preserve a national identity and separate from empty consumerism. They attack those who are actively walking away from modernity.

In this regard, they are the system.


  1. I’ve always said that Antifa and Black Bloc types are the foot soldiers of neoliberalism, and you’ve hit the nail on the head. They are the perfect tools for the international bankers to silence all opposition and work in perfect synchronization with the tech companies in regards to censorship. When people are censored online, they attempt to have their voices heard irl in the public square – it is here where these Black bloc types are utilized to maximum potential, by assaulting attendees of conservative speakers or burning down the buildings where political opposition to the system is operating. In doing this, speech is silenced in the virtual and real world.

  2. The term “Fascist” was coined by Marxists to describe their opposition in 1920s Europe. If a Fascist is an “anti-Marxist’, then it follows logically that a ‘anti-fascist’ is another word for a Marxist.

    1. A nice bit of reasoning. I’m working on a submission that will, hopefully, expand on your point. Thanks.

  3. “The freer the economy, the greater the threat from an upstart small business or new technology”

    The dept. of the interior paid one of the Guthrie’s to sing propaganda songs, he had written on his guitar “this machine kills fascist” as he sung “this land is your land, this land is my land” “roll on Colombia” specifically for all the Dam building and to keep the dams from becoming a public utility ran by the government, all to monopolize this corporate power. One of the main grievances of the populous revolt around 1890 was to make the railroad a public utility, the privately owned railroad controlled the economy out west at the time, and only God knows what their doing with it now.
    I believe the internet should be a public utility now also.
    I think the “antifa” and Guthrie are/were the foot soldiers of corporate fascism, pretty much what you’re getting at I think?

    Nice seeing you around here Padraig. May Christ deliver us all from this darkness.

  4. “capitalism and Marxism are two sides of the same coin – literally. They are economic ideologies predicated on ideals that reduce everything to a transactional exchange versus more complex interactions that weak minded individuals cannot comprehend, like national identity, culture, and faith.”

    Very well said!

    Most (perhaps all) Marxists are not really proponents of a nihilistic perpetual revolution. Marxism is just their blueprint for making ‘outs’ to become ‘ins’. Dabney put it well in ‘The Practical Philosophy’ when he wrote:

    “The favorite motto of this ‘democracy’ is “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite,” of which the practical rendering by the actions of the Jacobins was this: “Liberte,” license to trample on other people as they chose; “Egalite,” similar license for the “outs” when they could become “ins”; “Fraternite,” all brother rogues.”

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