The antifa supporting, boot licking media has apparently been instructed to write shock pieces about the dangers of “extremism in video games.” They’re all basically the same article, because they’re all based on the same couple of press releases sent out by the regime to tell the “free press” what the correct opinion is. Naturally, the media unquestioningly falls in line.
They use vague and very scary sounding phrases like “extremist groups spread abusive messages and foster relationships” in games like Call of Duty and Roblox. Shady groups with official sounding names that start with “Center For” and some nonsense words after it are quoted in dubiously conducted studies. To skim the articles, you’d think the worst right-wing extremists ever were coordinating recruitment drives and stopping in the middle of a game to talk to 7-year-olds about the Holocaust. As always, this is a ridiculous lie and somewhat ironic, given that these are the same people who want to talk to that same 7-year-old in nauseating detail about sexual intercourse and buggery.
To actually read the articles, we find out scary right-wing groups are playing video games (though none are ever named) and every so often one of them says something the ruling class finds icky. The famously and perpetually dishonest ADL “found” that 53% of online gamers felt like they were harassed because of one of their sacred characteristics. My curiosity got the better of me and I actually went and looked at the “study” the professional liars at the ADL commissioned from an even shadier sounding group. The footnote for that particular statistic listed above was cautioned with a note that the sample size of respondents was extremely small for Muslims and Jewish people.
To anyone with common sense, this is an indicator that those numbers were likely in the single digits and probably actually numbered somewhere around “zero.” That same common sense possessing person would further (and correctly) deduce that the only people who respond to surveys like this are ones who have hurt feelings and they want to lash out or are willing to lie because they’re just positive it’s happened to someone else.
What we are supposed to take away from all this isn’t that angry tweens are using potty words when they don’t think their parents will hear them, but that Ed Norton from the first half of American History X is lurking in every video game lobby, waiting to turn our children into cisgendered, weightlifting thoughtcriminals who love their ancestors and Jesus Christ. Per the Establishment, we are supposed to think that’s bad. We are supposed to shudder, concerned that exposing our children to certain ideas in what is supposed to be a safe environment can lead to those children to adopting those ideas and that is very, very bad. We are also NOT supposed to EVER think children being exposed to extremism, in what is supposed to be a safe environment, sounds anything like the public school system.
The trouble is that this is yet another thing that is probably true, but we are not allowed to see it. You are supposed to view what happens in schools as “education,” an allowed good, while what happens in video game lobbies is “indoctrination,” an unallowed evil. You also shouldn’t think the only difference between the two is that “educators” get eight unsupervised hours a day with your children where video games are a couple hours a day at most, and there is no legal requirement to let your kids play Call of Duty. You definitely shouldn’t wonder what your children are being taught or how those ideas are being framed at the legally required schools you pay for.
Anyone who actually does worry about what ideas their children are being exposed to without their consent or knowledge are just bigots. Only stupid, cousin-humping redneck trash think 3rd graders being exposed in graphic detail to weird, verifiably unhealthy and unnatural sex practices is bad. This is evidenced by the actual opinions of our enemies have expressed by the seemingly overwrought reaction to the milquetoast “Don’t Say Gay” legislation that was recently passed in Florida.
The Child Grooming Industrial Complex hates competition more than they hate themselves and will not abide by even a few anonymous people on the internet telling White children they are more than sex toys for mentally ill adults. The intensity of their reaction used to be a measure of how effective the resistance to their goals was. A massive freakout by our enemies meant dissident ideas were gaining traction. We have moved to a new phase, where each and every act of anything, other than drone like repetition of approved thoughts, requires a Nuremberg trial.
All of this really leads to two questions – one is wondering why our enemies are so focused on what can only be described as corrupting children? That question has multiple answers and may be addressed in another article. The second question is – what is to be done about it? This is as complicated a question as the first, though perhaps easier and less controversial to answer.
Obviously, the answer is not ever violence. Evil met with more evil does not beget good. It begets more evil. In moments of frustration it may seem like the only answer, but that is Satan whispering in your ear. The answer is, like so much else, based in love.
Love your children enough to do whatever it takes to keep them out of public school. Home schooling or home co-op schooling is a good answer, but not the right answer for everyone and varies from home to home. Love your children enough to make them strong enough that when they are exposed to the subversive, toxic evils of our enemies they are prepared to face them. Love them enough to make sure they have the right perspective and right information, that they feel comfortable coming to you with uncomfortable things before asking where they heard something.

Turning children into “weightlifting thoughtcriminals who love their ancestors and Jesus Christ”. We should be so fortunate!
Satan gives his orders to the Illuminati … they give their “talking points” to The Broadcast Board Of Governors … they give the BS to the propaganda outlets … the sheeple drink it in and post their “brainwashed opinions” on Facebook, etc. Facebook deletes anything right of center so … all the dumbed down sheeple get their wrong “opinions” confirmed … because well, everyone thinks such n such. Then, like the old Sonny n Cher song, “the beat goes on.”
Love? That’s a 10th of the answer. THE solution is to create a very enlarged all white Confederate States Of America II. It’s actually very simple. Making it happen? That’s the hard part. However, we live in a time where, according to a LOT of DIFFERENT polls, over 70 % of everyone wants their own state / country / republic!
Okay. Restructure America into some new “Republics.” Ours being a new all white Dixie, but a Utopia for EVERYONE!
It’ll require thought and effort which means our inner lazy voices will attack the idea. Focus. meditate on it. Keeping control over our lazy voices will help us in all aspects of life.
Here’s another “Tea & Talk” room that needs to be introduced to THE solution …
Josey W thanks for the link to the Abbeville Institute.