Since Identity Dixie has readers who hate us and everything we stand for, or they think we stand for (and make no mistake, they are not the same thing), I thought it time I address them directly. If you are a hate reader, this piece is for you. If not, read on anyway, as you may find it useful and since I wrote it, it’s obviously going to be brilliant.
Chances are extremely good that if you’re a modern Star Wars fan, you are a liberal. This is evidenced by simple observation of bumper sticker clustering. A Star Wars logo of some kind is much more likely to be observed sharing a bumper with a liberal political sticker than a conservative one. The only crossover of any significance I’ve observed between rightwing politics and Star Wars is people who put gun company stickers on their vehicle and Mandalorian stickers.
With that groundwork laid out, allow me to finally get to the point and address you directly, hate reader.
The Rebel Alliance was exactly that, a group of rebels. In order to be rebels, one must be opposed to the system and/or people in power. During the first three movies, that power was the Galactic Empire. So, I offer you this question, dear hate reader – if you identify with the Rebel Alliance, what exactly are you rebelling against?
Your politics align with Coke, Apple, Google, Meta (formerly Facebook), Disney, NASCAR, the NBA, NFL, NHL, PGA, MLB, and every other large company. Besides Chik-fil-A’s now retracted stance on gay marriage, I challenge you to name a company that stands against liberalism as vocally as the aforementioned companies stand for it. The people running the federal government agree with your politics. Even the military aligns with your politics, as evidenced by the allowance of transgender and openly homosexual people in the military.
The people who agree with your politics are the same ones that entrapped some weirdos in Michigan in the Governor Whitmer kidnapping debacle. They are the same people who chose to press charges on these individuals. The people who align with you politically are the same people who weaponized the IRS to utilize audits and the removal of 501c(3) status from conservative groups. These are the same people who lied to the American public and the courts about the Steele dossier. I could go on and on, but hopefully by now you’re picking up the pattern. The people you side with have all the institutional power and use it to further their agenda.
Think about that a moment. The people you side with are the ones who support cancel culture. They support kicking people with distasteful opinions off all social media platforms. They seek to ban contrary opinions from public discourse, and call it “misinformation” when it’s verifiably true or a statement of opinion. The people you support wish to remove all dissent. They seek to doxx people and ruin their lives. Which side does that really sound like to you? The Rebel Alliance, or Palpatine’s Empire?
You may truly and genuinely believe you are fighting against some nonsense like “White Power Structures” but those aren’t real and haven’t been since 1964 (at most). You may think that the rights of some group or another are important and worth advocating for. Whether or not you’re right is a topic for a different set of articles. The point is more about the process by which you and the people you side with go about it.
Nobody in the Rebel Alliance or the New Republic ever talked about “crushing the Empire,” but Palpatine did sure talk about crushing the Rebel Alliance. No Jedi ever wanted to destroy their enemies, but the Sith did. In fact, if we’re going off the Jedi moral code, hate and anger are considered dangerous and lead to the Dark Side. Think about that next time you want to see someone doxxed for holding opinions that were commonplace a decade ago. What would Yoda tell you about the joy you feel regarding someone’s life getting ruined?
The people you are aligned against are the rebels. They are the ones that don’t agree with the Fortune 500 companies and the federal government. They’re the ones standing against Disney and Darth Bezos. The people you hate are the dissidents. The people your allies doxx, get fired, assault, and lie about are the ones trying to stand against a totalitarian regime. When you cheer for their destruction or think those abusive means are justified by your personal ends, you are cheering for the Emperor.
I’m not asking you to change your beliefs. Keep disagreeing with what you think we think. Keep disagreeing with our actual opinions, assuming you’re one of the few hate readers who actually understands. What I am telling you is that as long as you’re in lock step with the people in charge, you’re not part of the Rebel Alliance. As long as you support them using the Death Star of corporate media and the Super Star Destroyers of a politically motivated legal system, you are not a rebel. You are a forgettable stormtrooper. You’re not even a Sith, so you don’t even get a red lightsaber. You’re just cannon fodder in a white helmet, following orders.
Now, excuse the cringy metaphor and rip off that goofy Star Wars “Resist” sticker off your Prius.

I have tried countless times over the years to watch Star Wars, but after maybe 10 attempts, I simply cannot stomach it. I’ve even tried some subsequent awful Star War movies, but even more quickly shut them down.
But I hate most (((Hollywood))) movies.
I used to be a somewhat big Star Wars fan in my youth (the movies, at least the first 3, are literally aimed at children / young teenagers), and even at that, I can say that the SW Expanded Universe (e.g., comics, games, etc) is really the only redeeming quality SW has ever had, and Disney retroactively declared the entire EU aspect of the series null and void after their buy-out.
The EU actually had some pretty based aspects. E.G., although this is never really alluded to in the movies, the Rebel Alliance is shown to be socialistic and egalitarian in nature -vs- the “fascistic” Galactic Empire.
There were even a few officially licensed books that did a SW version of “anti-racist is code for anti-White”, except they substituted “Human” for “White”. The jist of it was that a coalition of aliens were using some supposedly egalitarian / pro-freedom cause to de-facto discriminate against Humans. Pretty sure those particular books came out sometime in the 1990s, long before political correctness gained such a strong stranglehold of everything, and stuff like that could be slipped in without a huge fuss.
Always a good feeling when you see some of our ideas slip through the censorship commissars. Is like “wow, how did they miss this?”, much like the Starship Troopers movie
Love the article! Also, most sheeple don’t realize how far Hollywood will go to push their agenda, which is to “invert” everything basically.
The whole goal of the war was to … wait for it … put a “young” … “girl” … on the throne.
Remember when God punished Israel by causing them to be ruled by “women and babes?”
There should be NO black brown muslim gay or women representatives, judges, prosecutors, police or in charge of men in the military or prisons.
Welcome to a very enlarged all white Confederacy 2.0
Ha! One thing about it – they’ll never have an excuse to accuse you of “humble-bragging” so long as you keep adding that line to your articles.
By the way, Identity Dixie has hate readers? Who’d’a ever thunk it?! *wink, wink*
I love our hate readers, there I said it…lol
I’m actually kind of shocked that ID has “hate readers”.
From what I’ve observed, leftists don’t even bother to argue or engage with anyone to the right of them anymore, they just shout insults.
I think that when we use the term “hate readers,” we’re generally applying the “readers” part pretty loosely, if you know what I mean. On the other hand, one of them will occasionally attempt to insult us in such a way that betrays, among other things, the fact that (s)he did indeed read what we wrote. On the rare occasions that occurs, I for one feel obliged to answer whatever objections he or she might have and as stated. E.g., “CaptainINSanity’s” initial comment under my “You’re Probably an American Communist” post. Whose unhinged reaction to my reply to him is a lot more typical than he probably knows.
VERY smart article yes. Good job. We all need to be on the same page to save Dixie ( what’s left of the real America ), and we must be aware of the enemy within. Within ourselves that is! It’s called “the lazy voice.” If allowed … the lazy voice will take control and highly discourage us from doing anything “that requires effort.”
My father suffered from this. Maybe 0.0001 % of society was as well read, as self educated as him. Growing up in our home was like growing up in a library. Yet anything – no matter how good for him – that required effort, he ( intellectually ), found a way out.
You’re aware of the term ( or is it phrase ), “psychological protection?” Our lazy voice will come up with excuses why we can’t ( won’t ) do this or that. I remember an old friend claiming “above ground pools are better than built ins.” They’re not of course … but he couldn’t afford a built in. Psychological protection manifests in many ways.
Getting off The Titanic and creating a NEW Republic will take balls and brains. It will take the mass murder of all of our inner lazy voices, including mine. When arguments pop up in our minds why we can’t ( won’t ) rebuild the south … it’s really like a Trojan horse. Decades of media brainwashing mixed with the lazy voices have snuck in to our psyches with only one goal in mind …