Long Live Identity Dixie!

The other day a grotesque couple of Marxist internet stalkers decided to dox a previous member of the League of the South (LS).  The gentleman in question was a member of LS when it was primarily a libertarian-esque, pro-Southern and pro-state secessionist movement.  It was not an overtly racial entity when he joined and as such, he had been engaged in various activities, such as meeting with both black and White Congressmen in the Upper South regarding matters of States’ Rights and the benefits of independence.  He also advocated for the protection of Southern monuments, again, with elected officials, regardless of race, in his capacity as a local leader of LS.  When LS grew to be a more racially focused organization, the gentleman left the organization.  He refocused his energies on building a career and a family.  He had not been involved in any dissident activity since 2017 – before Charlottesville – and now has a wife and small children who depend on him.  For the crime of his former affiliation, the internet stalkers chose to ruin his life and collaterally, destroy his children’s lives, as well. 

He should never have left the League of the South.  He should never have left dissident activity. In fact, as proven by the acts of a viciously sadistic, Marxist cyber-stalkers, there is no leaving the Dissident Right movement – even when you leave the movement for reasons others may deem socially acceptable.  It is time to realize: this thing has only one end – there is no walking away.

I am not judging the gentleman they chose to destroy.  Nor, for that matter, am I judging the League of the South.  I know the gentleman in question and his views differ from mine on issues of race and Christianity.  Still, I think he is a good man who has been wronged.  For my personal part, my views on race and Christianity fall more in line with those of Dr. Michael Hill.  Regardless, the point is not whether the man was right to leave the League of the South for the reasons he did (believing the choice to focus on race betrayed the focus on Southern Independence, of which, some of those new citizens would undeniably be black).  The reasons to stay are more important than ever before.

Although I am no longer a member of the League of the South (having my own disagreements on strategic concepts), I neither root against them nor have I cut all ties to individuals whom I admire.  Instead, I believe my talents are better suited here at Identity Dixie (ID).  Our publication’s strategic purpose is shifting the Southern zeitgeist, by pulling the Overton Window back to the Right – preferably the Far Right.  In so doing, it is our belief that we can get more individuals to see the collapse of modern society and the benefits of re-embracing Southern traditions, culture, logic, and societal norms.  The Left makes that easy for the writers at ID.  But in order for us to keep our momentum – of which there is a great deal – we need to utilize every tool at our disposal for our message to resonate.  That includes free speech platforms like Gab, our humble blog, various affiliated podcasts, personal fellowship meetings, memes, and even carefully constructed religious dialogue – verbal and written.  In effect, we are the propaganda wing of a fundamental truth: the South would be better off divorced from the rest of the increasingly decrepit and quickly collapsing “United” States.

The constant flow of information that we are able to disseminate is communicated by volunteers.  Unlike other dissident groups, not a single member of Identity Dixie is paid to draft content.  To date, we have not solicited external donations.  Maybe that will someday change, but for now, our broad and increasingly growing network keeps us financially well-served.  This is a fight from the heart.  It is our commitment to a just and orderly society that drives us daily.  Our unwavering dedication to the South has cost many of us our jobs, our livelihoods, our business networks, our families, and so much more.  Yet, because ours is a just cause, we persevere.  Identity Dixie is NEVER going away – especially now that it is growing faster than ever before.

In every Southern state, ID can be found.  In some Northern states, ID can be found.  We are in your local Chamber of Commerce, your political offices, your academic classrooms, and your churches.  I do not say this to portray some creepy Bond villain. I say this as someone who knows our content is being read, distributed, and consumed by more people every day – in no small part because we gain more attention than our little blog of approximately twelve writers would normally solicit in a sane world.  We cannot get five people to comment on our average written post, yet we get actors, politicians, multimillion dollar NGOs, and disturbed Marxists to dedicate their entire lives to our dismantlement.  Yet, here we are and maybe they are on to something because we are effective.

On Gab, I will frequently receive chats from admirers of both my works, as well as the works of my compatriots.  I have had dozens of fathers and mothers who were excited to explain how our articles have kept their young Southern boys from joining the American military (Praise God!).  I have had young women ask advice on how to find like-minded Southern men.  Young couples have described their trajectory from college leftists to dyed-in-the-wool hardline conservatives over simple, shared content.  One corrections officer explained that he named his son after Patrick Cleburne (my avatar on Gab for obvious reasons).  Frequently, I will be asked if someone should join the League of the South, to which I respond generally favorably (unless I suspect an ulterior motive).  These are messages simply to me, alone.  My other colleagues get similar messages.

In sum, the growth of our movement and the expansion of our messaging emboldens us to do more.  We are emerging from our infancy.  Identity Dixie is not yet ten years old.  However, if we can continue to work harder, smarter, and produce more content, we can have an impact on the United States that far outweighs the size of our tiny band of rebels.  Ours will be a lasting legacy – one in which our messaging resonates in the minds of those Southerners who look at the rapid collapse of a degenerate society and those of their children, many of whom may not yet be born.  The fact that we are the “forbidden fruit” of leftists drives more young people to us.  With every word we write, we enter the minds of a would-be military recruit, a would-be leftist, or a would-be normie-con, and get them to rethink about the world around them.

Identity Dixie is going nowhere.  Several have tried to kill it.  Several have tried to co-opt it.  But as we all know – there is neither honor nor reward in quitting.  We are here for the duration – until Christ Himself relieves us from our post.

Deo Vindice!


  1. Restructuring America into 4 or 5 new ‘Republics,’ is THEEEEE answer. The ONLY solution. Surprisingly 90 % of everyone wants this now! Remember the militant black marchers in Georgia that demanded we give them Texas?
    “OUR” Republic will be a very enlarged all white Confederate States Of America 2.0 where, with 20/20 hindsight, we can create as close to a Utopia as is humanly possible … as can all other sides & groups. Get a vote on this. Push it hard.
    Interestingly even most NWO filth want this – albeit for their own nefarious reasons – so the movement will have help from many sources.
    “Imagine” … our south!!!!
    Start the movement …

  2. The NWO will not allow separatist movements. Even if you could secede none of the US can be preserved now its all a failure because its wedded with Masonic, Enlightenment, liberal philosophy. We should be preparing for the second coming of Christ, and get out of politics altogether.

    1. I’m a black-pilled amillenialist myself. That said, I think we should remain at our posts until Christ relieves us — as the author stated. There are many historical precedents. It’s not an “involvement in politics” to continue to stand for what’s right and to “live not by lies”.

  3. Continue the good fight. Greetings from a Hoosier. All my ancestors came from Virginia and North Carolina, then into Kentucky, then into Indiana. When I see a Co federate Flag, I take pride in it. I see Texans in a cornfield in Maryland in a desperate fight. A day in Pennsylvania before a long a hopeful day, praying this would be last day.

  4. Unlike Nat Van, ID has yet to have an official (whomever that may be) ban me from commenting, as did their “president” because I had a slightly different opinion of Kyle Rittenhouse’s actions than himself and a few other commenters. I was told in no uncertain terms that I was not good enough for them. In fact, they are not good enough for me (not to mention the various issues that kept me from ever really ‘joining’ that group more than an occasional comment).

    Personally, I am trying to find the outlet/association that IS for me and thus far ID offers a levelheaded approach that might help buffer my in-your-face methodology. I do have certain skills and talents that could be put to use.

  5. I’m not even a Southerner, but I’ve been checking up on your website a few times a week for the last year for the simple reason that, in the era of “muh podcasts”, you’re one of the few right-wing outlets that still puts out primarily written-word essays.

    Most podcasts are just filler, even the 10-minute ones on current events, they always include tons of information that, if you keep up with the news, you’re already familiar with.

    Written word = higher content to filler ratio.

    Also, your cotton t-shirts are THE THICKEST I’ve ever bought. I collect them and you’d be amazed at how thin and cheap certain dissident right outlets make theirs

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