Abolish the Alphabet Agencies

Liberals have been on a kick to abolish the police for some time now and I don’t get why. It isn’t like cops crack down on liberals or antifa.  When has a cop murdered a member of antifa?  I mean, I know antifa is apparently “just an idea” but when has someone holding that idea been murdered by a cop?  Compare that to how right-wing dissidents are treated.

All of us remember how Mrs. Babbitt was murdered by a capitol police officer who got off the hook.  Many of the people that went to the Capitol on January 6th are still being held by authorities and aren’t allowed to speak with the outside world.  Even more interesting regarding the 6th, an FBI informant urged a DEA agent to break into the Capitol.

But, I don’t want to fixate on the police.  I want to focus on the federal agencies which are actively making the world worse.  Let’s not forget the seedy start of the FBI.  J. Edgar “Edna” Hoover, the purported crossdresser, ally of Roy Cohn, and all-around weirdo, created the FBI to serve as his own private muscle against people he didn’t like.  Democrats always bring up how he targeted MLK, but never seem to think anything bad of the FBI today. 

People will talk about MK Ultra (drugging American citizens and soldiers without their consent), Operation Mockingbird (CIA plan to take over the media, which they apparently succeeded in), Operation Northwoods (a planned false flag attack against Florida where the U.S. government was going to kill American citizens and blame it on the Cubans), but pretend that there’s no reason to distrust the FBI, CIA, or other alphabet agencies today….for reasons.  Remember, many of the same people that were working for the agencies back then are in charge of them now. 

Not to go too deep back into my libertarian priors, but I’m reminded of one of the issues of government agencies.  Each government agency has to spend their whole budget in order to get a bigger budget the following year.  So, if a government agency is tasked with fighting terrorism, and there isn’t much terrorism to fight, they’ve got to make some themselves.  That’s intuitive logic but it’s apparently true. 

The FBI are tasked with stopping terrorism but probably do more of it than any other group.  They were the main people involved in that plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer, after all.  Apparently, the FBI runs a bunch of terrorist groups and sponsor 15 crimes per day.  Additionally, Glenn Greenwald has talked about these issues, too.

One of the reasons these agencies should be shut down is because of the deals they make with criminals.  Now, it makes sense to make plea deals with folks where they’ll testify against someone else for a lighter (or no) sentence.  After all, resources are finite and the police can’t always get a guilty verdict without someone’s testimony.  I’m more concerned with how the government uses confidential informants.  It’s not just them catching a person buying drugs and them getting the criminal to wear a wire to get to a drug distributer.  That’s a pretty easy case of dark and light gray morality which you can justify.  No.  What often happens is the government picks certain folks to give license to commit crimes in order to get other criminals to open up to them, who they later arrest.  However, it’s hard to say whether this leads to a net decrease in crime or not, given that you basically just have criminals on government payrolls.  

There’s also just the hypocrisy of the whole thing.  You’ve got Mike Pompeo laughing about how during his time with the CIA, he violated his oath from West Point and that he lied, cheated, and stole while in the CIA.  The alphabet agencies pretend they’re concerned with “extremism” from folks who work for the government and were at the January 6th rally, but will engage in extremist activity themselves. You’ll have the agencies say X group in 3rd world hellhole are bad guys because they use child soldiers and then those same U.S. agencies will use child spies

The FBI covered for one notable serial pedophile. I suppose that was because gold medals are good for American morale?  This shouldn’t be surprising and there certainly are more of these stories waiting to be found. After all, the U.S. government uses rape as an advanced interrogation technique against dissidents and supply pedophiles with children.  [Note: that article is claimed by some fact checkers to be “fake news,” not because the former CIA agent didn’t say that the CIA can legally procure children for pedophiles, but simply because while he did say it, he later said he wasn’t aware of any instances of it happening].  We all remember the Bacha bāzī that soldiers in Afghanistan were forced to turn a blind eye to.  Is it really a stretch to think that the government actively procured children for pedophiles, when we know for a fact that they constantly fund and back pedophiles, like rulers in Afghanistan the Taliban just displaced?  Still, we’re expected to trust the alphabet agencies because they’re “the good guys.”

A country that will engage such raw pragmatism as to do the actions listed above has no ground on which to claim moral fortitude vis-à-vis the rest of the world. To pretend for a moment that a country which enables pedophiles abroad in order to manage its geopolitical goals is somehow moral is to completely distort what morality is.  If you wish to say “our geopolitical goals take precedence over morality” you cannot claim to be a moral actor. You can claim it’s necessary and a necessary evil, but then must admit you are not the moral decider on the world stage.

All the alphabet agencies do are, at best, in shades of gray and gray morality, but it seems more sinister than that.  It’s hard to imagine, with all we’ve learned in the past few years, that these agencies are actually doing anything to keep America safe.  In fact, they’re probably making the world less safe by their constant interference and destabilization of foreign powers.

The United States justifies geopolitical warmongering by claiming it’s a moral actor.  It interferes in elections with the justification that it knows what is moral.  However, as asserted above, geopolitical policies, like defense of regimes that engage in pederasty and procurement of children for CIA assets, is proof positive that Iran’s accusation of the U.S. government as the “Great Satan” is probably not far off the mark.


  1. Excellent essay, Ethan. Abolish the IRS, FBI, CIA, HHS, TSA, DHS, ATF, HUD, EPA, DOJ, DOE (education, energy), DOI, DOC….which ones am I missing?

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