New Cult Just Dropped

I recently saw an image depicting men in crowns wielding rifles in a church which piqued my interest.  The image was captioned with the news that a new church had been formed on a compound in Texas.  Intrigued to see if this was going to set the stage for Waco 2.0, I decided to do a little digging and found something I did not expect. 

Whenever something like this pops up, I always ask myself if it’s the government or just idiots in a game I like to play called “Fed or Fraud.”  This new church seems to fit squarely in the second category for a few reasons. Firstly, the main guy isn’t white.  Koreans usually aren’t used for government backed psyops, like the recent flag afficionado who seems like a false flag or MK Ultra to me.             

On the homepage for the Texas gun church site (Rod of Iron Ministries), I saw several videos that had an Asian man wearing a hat made of rifle cartridges talking to random folks.  At first, I assumed this was a bunch of anti-racist boomers who were bowing before a “based” minority but, while this is undoubtedly part of the story, it’s not all of it.

This fellow is Hyung Jin “Sean” Moon and his father was the founder of the new religious movement called the “Unification Church” or called “Moonies” by those who don’t ascribe to it.  I honestly don’t have much familiarity with the Moonies, only that the founder claimed to be the Messiah, which was enough for me to disregard it. Now, what does Pastor Sean, who also is apparently called “King” by his parishioners, believe in? Well, you can look at his Constitution to see some of it.

I decided to delve into the constitution he wrote for the kingdom which he calls The United States of Cheon Il Guk (which apparently means “two become one” in Korean).  Unsurprisingly, it’s largely just the U.S. Constitution with some minor edits and addendums.  Some of these are beneficial, like the institution of term limits for all offices (including SCOTUS) and the prevention of usury jumped out at me.  Some aspects were just strange, such as the prohibition on any equivalent to a CIA (yes, obviously ours is bad, but a sovereign state needs to have an intelligence network), no standing army, and seemingly getting rid of LLCs and any other type of corporate structure.  There’s also an unelected monarch who has ultimate say over everything.  However, despite this fellow claiming to be a divine monarch, a theocracy if ever there was one, it is unconstitutional for congress to ban drugs. 

I could do a deep analysis on the constitution and point out why it has problems (both because it apparently isn’t supposed to be amended and because the wording on some things is so poor that it is certain that any government which tried to enact it would fail) but there’s no need. The constitutional issue is ultimately secondary to the bigger issue.

This guy is a cult leader.  He is claiming that his father is God.  Now, I don’t mean this in the sense of he is claiming that his father is God in the sense of God being all our father or even that he is claiming that he is the second coming of Christ. No, he is claiming that his biological father, Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Moonie cult, was the Messiah.  This is blasphemous on its face and I don’t see a need to go into detail for why his father was not the second coming of Christ.  However, I do find it funny that one of his father’s various scandals involved tax evasion (violating Jesus’ command in Mark 12:17).

Ultimately, this can best be described as “boomer bait.” It’s an ostensibly Christian non-white fellow who will tell Heritage Americans that they can cling to their guns and be citizens of God’s kingdom (while likely taking quite a bit of money from them).  Looking at the website, it does seem pretty clear that the parishioners are the very same antiracist civic nationalists that got enthused behind Candace Owens and other token Republicans. 

It should be clear that this guy is a hack and cult leader.  There’s nothing more that needs to be said other than his own words.  He claims he is the “full Inheritor of the Kingship of God, with all the authority endowed in me by my Father, Sun Myung Moon–The True Father, the Messiah, Lord at the Second Advent and King of Kings.”  This is blasphemy and this guy is not a Christian.  Whatever he is selling, if you are a Christian, you have a duty to avoid it.

I understand that modern Christian sects are largely going astray and I would not encourage someone to remain a parishioner of a Church that preaches against what the Bible teaches.  However, anyone trying to follow this guy is honestly no better than the neopagans pretending they’re following Odin.  It’s a cult of personality around a con-man at best or insane man who will get folks killed at worst.  No self-respecting sane person or genuine believer in Christ should be near when this guy ultimately collapses.


  1. The issue isn’t the cult. The issue is that there’s a bunch of people so desperate they are considerign this seriously.

  2. Well said, well said.

    “This is blasphemy and this guy is not a Christian. Whatever he is selling, if you are a Christian, you have a duty to avoid it.”

  3. They’re Moonies. They’ve been around since the 70s. They’ve got decades of this sort of thing behind them and they’ll probably continue doing weird shit like this for decades to come. Everyone should steer clear of this burning dumpster fire.

  4. The moonies own Kahr Firearms Group, the subsidiaries of which make the Desert Eagle, M1 Carbines and Thompson guns (Magnum research, Auto ordnance and Kahr arms).

    they have their hand pretty deep in the arms business.

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