Real Leadership

General Nathan Bedford Forrest has been erroneously reported as summarizing his strategy as getting to the battlefield as “the firstest with the mostest.”  In fact, Forrest more articulately stated, “I always make it a rule to get there first with the most men.”  Whereas the language is different, the emphasis on speed and execution is the same.  True commanders – whether they be businessmen, military officers, or dissident organizers – recognize the absolute need for speed.  If anything distinguishes the commander from the commanded, it is the constant strategic paradigm from within which the commander operates by which he never takes his foot off the gas.  

I have met many men over the years who thought they would make great business owners.  Most are simply not cut out for the role.  I empathize with them.  They often enter business arrangements with very little understanding as to what it takes to be successful – the long nights, the lost weekends, the months, even years of nominal family time, the financial struggles and strains, the physical stress, the sacrifice of personal freedoms and fun, etc. Being a business owner is not for the feint of heart.  Nor, for that matter, is being a military commander during a time of conflict or an organizer seeking to save his people.  The fact is, most people hope that the title, ‘Owner,” “Commander,” or “President,” comes with it the ability to delegate the hard tasks to subordinates, while they enjoy the relative station they have achieved.  Such individuals are designed to fail.

At the heart of any successful commander is an appreciation for the fact that they must move forward constantly and with the greatest amount of speed possible.  Some think that is reckless, but it is not. The fact is, if you want to achieve a goal, you need to be faster at achieving that goal before anyone else knows you are moving toward it.  If you are a commander of a military force, for instance, attaining the high ground or positioning for the ambush must be met before the enemy knows you are moving.  If you are a business owner, you need to be well positioned fast enough to ensure that your cash flow position is never exhausted on a day-to-day or even month-to-month basis.  If you take a day off, your company will find itself closed – especially in those early days.  Business owners never take days off.  It does not happen.  Your success in war or business depends on speed and a constant energy that never abates.

For dissidents, the need for speed must manifest itself in organizational goal setting before regimes and their allies on the extremist Left recognize what is happening.  You need to be faster than them, because they are bigger than you.  If, for example, you wish to dissuade White men from joining the American military, you must set goals to target local recruiting stations with pamphlets, fliers, and flash protests, then vanish.  Coordinate your communications in their entirety to produce a strategic framework – laying out the ideological groundwork for your case (e.g., “Why Southerners should not join a military force for a government that hates them…”) – then “move forward” (legally/non-violently) before preparing for the next phase.

Speed is important for a lot of reasons.  The faster leader sets the strategic landscape.  In the aforementioned case, while the government, media, corporations, and AntiFa are working together to address this latest “assault” on the anti-Southern or anti-White status quo, you should then target the next objective.  Let them play whack-a-mole.  Move on to your next target faster than they can process the preceding action.  Fliers in a Lowes parking lot explaining that Covid vaccines are killing people with CDC datapamphlets breaking down the differences between the government’s response to the extreme communist violence of 2020 vs the patriot protest of January 6th, 2021…etc. systemic speed and execution will confound an enemy that is now reacting.

Speed enables first mover advantages.  In business – as in life – the early bird gets the worm.  The company that is in front of the customer first, most often gets the client.  The military unit that arrives to the battlefield first, gets the crucial first shot.  The dissident organization that is ahead of its enemy – which is essentially the entirety of the U.S. governing apparatus to include its professional agitators like BLM and AntiFa – gets to engage as it deems fit. 

Slow and steady does not win the race in war, business, or dissident activity.  You simply do not have time.  If you are not setting strategic imperatives and achieving those objectives, you will fail.  The world is constantly changing.  If you set a goal and have not achieved that goal, by the time you get around to executing on that goal, the strategic landscape has changed.  You will never succeed because your parameters will always get moved.  Set the goal, move forward quickly, work tirelessly, set the next goal… repeat.

Will there be “downtime” on occasion?  Sure.  But your downtime is never devoid of a constantly committed mindset.  Commanders do not say, “Well, I am at the beach, so there is no work.”  Rather, they think, “I am at the beach, but at any moment, I can be called off the beach… While I am at the beach, let me read this latest strategic assessment… While I am eating sandwiches with my family, I am thinking about the best way to avoid that last challenge…”  In other words, you are never really “off.”  Time off is the luxury of the employee or the corporal.  Time off is not the luxury of the business owner or the general.  The business owner, general, or dissident who takes time off is a guaranteed failure.  Do not follow such men.   

Every successful general had one thing in common: speed.  They conceptualize the strategic goals and make them happen.  They force the enemy to work on their chosen ground.  They achieve objectives before the enemy knew what hit them.  They did not sit on their laurels.  They followed up their successes with the next attack.  They raced to the next strategic objective.  They are constantly moving… constantly hitting… constantly recalibrating… constantly exhausted, but fighting through the exhaustion with each strategic victory… constantly moving.

Leaders are always moving.

There are two types of people in the world: leaders and the led.  Leaders never stop leading.  They never put their feet up.  They never rest.  Leaders draw a strategic vision, articulate and set goals, achieve those goals fast and without letting up, and before the opposition knows what hit them, they press forward to the next goal.  I suspect only 1 – 2% of the world are genuine leaders – the rest are varying levels of followers, some more talented than others.   That is OK.  The word needs managers, NCOs, junior officers, etc.  But true leaders? They are extremely rare.  They do not just talk about doing something – they actually do it – always and without stopping to pause.

Today, we are in an environment whereby we do not have the option of losing.  Our people depend on us winning.  If you are not spending 100% of your time working toward the advancement of winning for them, you are not a leader.  Those who are not leaders need to recognize they are not leaders and either assist or politely step aside.  Now is the time for speed.  Now is the time to set strategic imperatives and to meet them.  Now is not the time to take a break.  Our people do not have time for your exhaustion.  Leaders know this and they do not relent. 

Now is the time to press forward, without hesitation – and to do that, real leaders must emerge.  We have no choice.


  1. I appreciate your columns brother, but I don’t understand this one? I am not sure what you mean the course of the action should be…who are the leaders and who are the “led?”. There is a small, seemingly well-organized group called “Patriot Front” They have a professional website, powerful videos with dramatic music in the background of them marching with blowtorches. They place stickers, and flyers and then disappear. The Feds know who they are, ADL and SPLCenter deemed them, Neo-Nazi, group. They are only a nuisance to them for now but eventually, they will be infiltrated, set up, and arrested. They will be charged with Hate crimes and “book will be thrown” at them by a most likely liberal activist judge. So that’s how far that goes.
    I suggested before, power is obtained from inside and not from outside. Engagement with local politicians is the first step. The hard question needs to be asked: Are they always pro-business, pro-immigration, military interventions, or are they “America First-ers.” They can always BS you but you can check, if they are Chamber of Commerce approved, that’s not a good sign. Anyway, I will refer you guys to the collection of essays by Samuel Lewis, called “Beautiful Losers” published in 1993, he predicted Trump and has a clear blueprint on “how to” win or lose power. It is kind of pricey even for Kindle, but it’s well worth reading.

    Best wishes

    Dixie Serb

  2. There are many Southern identifying entities ID, LS, SCV, etc., all of which should be committed to one thing, our people and preserving them, not just the memories of almost ancient battles. Their leadership should focus on that goal, not the goal of the foreigner, the outlier, but Christian Southern men. Everyone has a part to play, and your time on the stage is now.

    Another needed reminder, thank brother.

  3. I’d like to add a few caveats to the points you made:
    1) Haste makes waste.
    2) Before there is something to do, there is something to know.
    3) “In ancient times skillful warriors first made themselves invincible, and then watched for vulnerability in their opponents.”—Sun Tzu.
    For further development on this point, please review some of the wisest words ever written, which I’m sure you have read before.
    4) Do not underestimate the possibility of plague where the slow and steady preppers will have the survival advantage. (Tbh plague comparable to or worse than the Black Plague is not a possibility but a certainty. We just don’t know when it is going to happen.)
    5) The only time the best defense is a good offense is in sports, where there are rules and a schedule, and where each team’s agenda is known. Outside of a sporting context the best defense is for your enemy to not have a clue who we are, where we are or what we are up to. If we could do that with 100% reliability we could just sit back and breed, but we cannot do it reliably so we need a more holistic strategy.
    6) Speed gets you nothing when the enemy gets to frame the narrative after the fact. That means we have a lot of boring but diligent nerd work to do. We MUST have a way to undermine the Left stranglehold on the media. Gab is showing a lot of promise but we need more.

    Speed is an advantage for sure, but it is certainly not the whole story and focusing on speed and aggression to the neglect of the rest is a recipe for disaster.

  4. This is true for business as well, in order to win either you are the first or the best. We don’t have the money to be the best, so we have to be first. It also enables us to keep our enemies off guard and prevent them from amassing all of their resources in big fights, if they do, then you hit them where they are not.

    This also goes into the psychology of entrepreneurs, who are creatives. They don’t sleep and all of the rest because they are compelled to create, not because they even really choose it, they are compelled to do it. They obsess and that is the key to their success. It is also exactly as you said, some people are what I call “do’ers” its hard for them to think in abstract terms like creatives do, they need direction, they need to run the business, not create and lead it, they simply are not built for it. That is the reason I always harp on the need for having workable systems and things people can just plug into, we can’t just say “we need a bridge here” and then walk off expecting them to build one. You may have the abstract vision for the bridge, but the “do’ers” need a blueprint and step by step instructions, that’s where the third type of people come in, the planners. They need you to provide the vision and the “do’ers” need their direction and raw materials. It is the very reason the copium of just press R in the voting booth and everything will be fine impulse is so strong, that is the psychological make up of “do’ers”, they need a simple, actionable task that moves them towards their goal, for it to be effective for them, it has to be clear and simple.

    We are not all built the same, creatives only comprise about 4% of the population. We need to first collude with the planners and provide easy, step by step instructions for the “do’ers” for them to plug into. Then we need to secure resources.

    One last thing, there has to be profit in it. Think of video games, they have psychologists help them with the design, if the timing of the dopamine rewards in the game are off, then the game is bad. Its the same for us, we need systems for “do’ers” that reward them not only with money, but with dopamine, the joy of serving your people and seeing the results, the praise of your family and friends, the social status that makes them more attractive to the girls in the tribe, variety and novelty in tasks so they dont get bored, all of it needs to be built in, or our game will be bad and nobody will play it. Even the other side recognizes this, Saul Allinsky made it one of the rules in his training manual for Marxists, “Rules for Radicals” where he clearly stated the need for novelty and variety for the activists or they get bored and quit. Its the truth, dopamine is a hell of a drug.

    These things are all important in building resistance, our enemies know this as well, they attack the psychology of our people to demoralize them for that very reason, to steal the feel good dopamine rewards that push them towards their next task and replace it with social destruction and attach negative feelings to helping their people.

    This may all seem a bit off of topic, but I assure you it is not. I encourage everyone here to go watch a lecture by Jordan Peterson entitled “The Curse of Creativity” to understand the importance of moving fast like Padrag is advocating for, and it may clear up some of the confusion of the “do’ers” in the comments saying to move slowly. “Do’ers” do move slowly, but for the creatives, our visionaries to be effective they must be first, they must move fast.

    One last thing, our creatives, which includes writers and all of the rest, need love and financial support. The lecture is entitled the curse of creativity, and I assure you that is what it feels like. We must build systems of support for one another, and that should start with our creatives, they will always need our support, they are cursed with a compulsion to help us, and we need help in return or our society will stagnate and die, because they are who pushes us forward.

    Watch this lecture, its well worth it and will help any dissident better understand why treating everyone who shows up the same and giving them the same jobs is a mistake. It will explain the need for variety and not to try shoving everyone into the same mold. It will help you understand that in war and business the same rules apply, be the biggest or be the first to the fight, and friends we ain’t he biggest, we will lose any number games, so we have to move fast.

    God bless you all and God bless the South.

    1. I watched the whole vid. It was the first time I’ve watched or listened to JP other than his critique of censoring Mohammad cartoons many years ago. I agree creativity is super important and I have always thought it was an advantage the Left had over us. Even the Industrial Revolution was a Yankee driven innovation. The creative culture will almost always run roughshod over a less creative in both war and peacetime and that is a problem for us.

      The trick with creativity is to recognize and reject the bad innovations early on before they do too much damage. We need creative solutions, but creativity is by nature going to be outside the box, which means the creator will be punished. My maxim is this:
      All real solutions to real problems will necessarily be “too radical” or “crazy” or “unreasonable” or “degenerate” or otherwise “unacceptable”. The reason is simple; if the solution were not so “unacceptable, the problem wouldn’t exist.

      It pains me to no end that my own people are so anti-creative. If we are to win we must get outside the box, but anybody who tries to influence others to do so will be punished by his own. It is a classic case of stoning the prophet. It is very sad and I have not been able to “create” a solution to it.

  5. The problem is the left controls cultural outlets, if our creatives want to create they first have to go ask some Yankee or Jew for permission to create, for the pleasure of making our enemies money. If you don’t bow down, then you don’t get to be a singer, writer, playwrite or anything else. That was very much by design.

    Its not that we lack creativity or creative vision, its that we don’t pay ours, so people who are already predisposed to self-destructive behavior now can’t feed themselves either.

    We must take back control of our cultural institutions from anyone who is not us, that includes Nashville.

    Our problem is not lack of creatives, our problem is feeding them for doing their job, we don’t, our enemies pay them well, but only if they renounce us and embrace them.

    This is how they lead nations and transform them, this is the mechanism. In a healthy one our creatives would create manifestions of us and our culture that reinforces our identity. The Marxists seize control of those choke points, creating them if they don’t exist, and use them to change our identity to one that is servile to them and their goals.

    Fake South culture must always be exposed and we must start identifying the traitors and ensuring they are unable to corrupt our people and culture.

    1. I was referring to creative solutions to our current problems, not the musical/visual arts.

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