Cracks in the Rainbow Army

Last week, there was a problem in the Rainbow Army of the Oppressed after a black hotel guest began to harass a homosexual, white desk clerk, one with severe mental health issues, after a mistake was made. After the desk clerk started to have a meltdown, the black guest began to film it (though he started filming after calling the desk clerk a “faggot”) and posted it on Twitter, encouraging his fellow blacks to begin to harass the employee and get him fired. Things really began to heat up after self-described race baiter Tariq Nasheed picked it up and joined in. Things quickly went from bad to worse as the employee, now an unwilling viral sensation, quit his job, started drinking again (after a year of sobriety), and contemplated suicide. Not to be outdone, Nasheed started lying, claiming that he was drunk on the job (he started drinking after the video was posted), but that doesn’t matter to “people” like Nasheed. As of this writing, the video is still up and Nasheed still has his account, and is continuing to double-down because Twitter won’t enforce basic harassment rules against race hustlers.

The icing on the cake, of course, is that the desk clerk is/was a liberal. He supported BLM. No doubt, he thought the black person would see him as a fellow oppressed person and they would do the care bear stare and defeat any of the evil, white, Christian men in the room. If anything, the desk clerk, as someone who is gay, has mental health issues, and worked a thankless minimum wage job where he gets yelled at by entitled Boomers and blacks, should get a few more oppression points. The oppressed loving each other is the standard image the white liberal believes, but a basic examination of the data makes that fall apart. But they can’t have that, so they dig themselves in deeper. That’s why when they started pushing the narrative of anti-Asian violence, and it was pointed out that the vast majority of this was coming from young black men, they started claiming that the black-on-Asian violence was really the result of, you guessed it, white supremacy.

The fact is that the average black has no interest in the Rainbow Army. Non-blacks are all foreign to them. It doesn’t matter if you’re Hispanic. It doesn’t matter if you’re Asian. It doesn’t matter if you’re from Vermont. You aren’t black.

This leads them to a position where they will stick together under almost any circumstances, regardless of how unethical, extreme, or ridiculous the position. White normie conservatives called Nasheed “the real racist,” white liberals called him an “ableist” (like he cares), and pretty much every white person saw a 46-year-old man encouraging the harassment of some hapless desk clerk. The blacks were more divided.

Some did call him out, many others backed him up claiming that the desk clerk shouldn’t have a job, complaining that he wouldn’t be getting this sympathy if he was black (Twitter would have already banned whoever posted the video and we would be having another “national conversation” about race), or the old stand-by, whining about some unrelated story involving a black person (what liberals love to use and call whataboutism). And, of course, the reason Nasheed posted it in the first place was because he sided with his fellow black, who must be in the right.

It’s the same reason why so many black people will defend any black person shot by the cops, even when they are about to stab another black person. In those cases, where even the vast majority of white liberals will back off and realize this isn’t a hill worth dying on, they keep going. Another example can be seen in the film Taxi Driver. The character of Sport, Harvey Keitel’s pimp character, was supposed to be played by a black actor because to find a white pimp in 1970s New York City would have been very difficult. Both Martin Scorsese (the film’s director) and Paul Schrader (the film’s writer) have stated that the reason it was changed is because they were afraid of causing riots after Sport is shot by Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro’s character). If you have not seen the film, Sport is prostituting a 12-year-old girl. Let that sink in. Even in that case, two liberal filmmakers, very far from any sort of race realists, still thought that blacks would riot if a black child rapist was shot on film. Warren Oates is probably my favorite 1970s actor, and a Dixian, but put him in the role of Sport and my opinion doesn’t change. For all of Travis’ problems, he did a service to the community that time. Cast Fred Williamson as Travis and my opinion would still not change. And, who could forget the vigorous defenses of Michael Vick and Bill Cosby?      

It’s a fascinating group loyalty that part of me wants to admire. As Dixians, we have too little group loyalty and are fully willing to sacrifice each other in order to appease those that hate us. It’s absolutely despicable and is a big reason why we’re in the shape we’re in. Conversely, blacks have an excess of group loyalty, which often ends up with them defending the indefensible, be it a grown man harassing a hotel desk clerk or a fictional pimp who abuses children. 

Drawing from Aristotle, I think we can construct a way forward that will allow us to defend each other, but not go down this same path. If we consider “group loyalty” a virtue, then an absence of group loyalty is a vice. Better put, it would be globalism (which plagues us). By contrast, an excess of group loyalty can be called excessive tribalism. A proper amount of group loyalty, one that defends one’s own but not at the cost of common decency, is proper nationalism. What is the distinction between proper nationalism and globalism? What is the distinction between proper nationalism and excessive tribalism?

As with Aristotle’s virtues (i.e. understanding the distinction between bravery and being foolhardy and cowardice) these arise through practice. Thus, we learn this virtue by trying to be loyal to one other as Dixians without becoming our own mindless defenders.  The (white) Left is absolutely naïve by believing in this nonsense that all the world’s oppressed will be joining together in one big happy union, and sadly almost nothing can make them see their error. All we can do is watch as this blows up in their face over and over again and they come up with some reason why white Christian males (especially, rural Dixian ones) are really to blame. But, while we watch this circus (and keep in mind that a few actually do see the light) we can learn from this.

The white liberal suffers from a severe absence of group loyalty, even more than the average Dixian. They truly hate their own kind. Blacks suffer from an excess of group loyalty, which leads to a defense of almost any behavior. Our job is to learn from this, avoid the vices of globalism and excessive tribalism and become proper nationalists through practice. The white Left has built a coalition in their mind that does not exist and cannot exist because no one who isn’t a white liberal (and a handful of college educated non-whites) sees themselves as part of a United Rainbow Army of the Oppressed. It’s something that desk clerk just learned the hard way, though I doubt it will wake him up.

Fortunately, we can learn from this as the sparks fly.

-By Harmonica


  1. As every one of my children, and most of my nephews and nieces, would be quick to tell you, one of the principles I constantly reinforce with them during their formative years, I’ve reduced to a sort of a slogan stating, “anything done in excess is bad.” Examples can of course be multiplied, but you get the point of the slogan – short, sweet, and to the point. It makes for a good segue into a lecture on why taking anything (name it) to the extreme is never a good thing.

    I’m in agreement with you that we shouldn’t be ‘making light’ of someone else’s misfortune. This is the first I’ve seen of that video. I’m not sure the guy behind the counter is as mentally disturbed as he puts on in that video. My guess is that he learned to throw those tantrems during his formative years to get what he wanted – sympathy, a toy, a new bicycle, whatever. No one ever corrected (correcting the temper is one of the key elements of true education) him for it, so he just kept it up and perfected the art over time. I should imagine that his biggest problem is that he doesn’t have a proper father, who would have nipped that crap in the bud before it ever got going good.

    But anyway, good article. Food for thought.

    1. Mr. Morris, I do hope you are still writing those notes on education for your friend and plan on sharing them. I understand you must be a busy man, but my Lord we fought for homeschools so hard and for so long and now I see young mothers who were not part of that simply bringing the Yankee lies into their living rooms. Even the more aware still do it, having been lead astray by neo-con honeypots such as Prager U etc. into believing they are doing the right thing, there are many of them and they not surprisingly they are well funded by the Mercer family types in the North. Its a hard row to hoe and as of yet we have no unified curriculums that last much past the invasion of the South. So please, if you have time, continue to write here and take copious notes, we are in desperate need of such things that may seem mundane, but are in fact germane to our sorely lacking homeschool guidance for young mothers.

      Also, did you ever get around to making a Gab account as I and others here have done? While I do my best to share things about education to Southern Groups on Faceberg they are scattered to the four corners while also being mostly private due to harassment, as well as heavily censored, its a chore, but I labor on. Gab however has over 50,000 members in one Homeschooling group alone, has zero leftist moderation and is firmly right leaning, not RINO right either, the true right, as is the vast majority of Gab. Although its not strictly a Southern Homeschool group I still share your posts there, but there are even more learning groups there as well I somewhat keep tabs on, although none quite as big as “Homeschoolers of Gab” is. Sadly there is no strictly Southern Homeschooling Group, but I think I have someone in mind who would do an excellent job of creating one. You, I am talking about you 😁

      I know you must be busy, but I think it would be a worthwhile endeavor and groups such as that tend to run themselves after awhile if the owner is so inclined to let it or happens to be a busy man. Regardless, Gab is great, even for just a personal account for networking and gleaning unfiltered information not selected for you by Marxist technocrats. It is a Christian Faceberg, what an American Social media platform should have been instead of the one that was selected for us.

      Just some food for thought.

  2. Great insight that I have myself stated for a long time. If you ever have been forced to listen to endless hours of social justice programming as I have, then you would notice a primary pillar of it is and always has been “solidarity”, which means stick together no matter what is right or who is wrong, if he is one of you then he is always right. When I was in the Yankee indoctrination camp of a black hit me all blacks jumped in immediately, while on our side there was no such sentiment.

    It must change, we used to have more solidarity than anyone and we must regain it if we are to survive. I will not go into more detail as you did a pretty bang up job of it, but I must leave one word of caution about subversion, namely controlled opposition. I will not relate the history of this I have witnessed, but understand that sticking together only works if we are absolutely sure of who “we” are. They have used it against us many times and I suspect that the being bitten in the ass by sticking up for traitors purposely leading us astray and turning us against our own by labeling the true Southerners as extremists has done a lot of damage. We must gather up, codify our understanding and develop counter measures or it will happen again, then once again we will become disheartened and disillusioned due to being snake bitten by trying to stand up for people who were never on our side in the first place.

    I find myself posting comments often to the effect of “I feel like I wrote this article, its exactly what I have been saying for years, good job” Yankees would call this confirmation bias, I call it sharing a collective soul, we see the same things and that view stems from a lot more than a geographic location, that I feel is the answer to controlled opposition. They may recite, but they cannot write.

    As always, before any counter measures or solidarity can take place, we must organize. We are almost out of time.

    Thank you for taking the time to write this.

  3. Nonwhites see their identities in primarily racial terms and seek to defend and advance their ethnic groups against others. (Western) Whites, however, are different, comparatively, they lack racial consciousness and racial loyalty. Whites discouraged ethnocentrism among themselves while tolerating and even encouraging it among others. There is nobody among the ruling elites who would admit that fate of American culture, indeed of Western civilization, depends on discovering and preserving white identity, never mind advancing those interests. One only has to refer to Oswald ­Spengler’s dire prophecies of Western decline. We should out of political necessity use the same strategy employed by ethnic and sexual minorities: whites would have every reason to assert, and minorities would have no grounds to dispute, their common identity, and interests as whites. But that will remain a tabu until the new Nationalist party re-emerges, in GOP reinventing itself.

  4. Black tribalism has no European nobility, it is raw animal instinct. Similar to moslems, one guy raped a corpse at the morgue and yet the horde turned out to defend him! No European would do this… they know that it is dishonorable to defend a fiend. Brown apes do not have that problem.

  5. And blacks say we are the racists?

    The guy behind the desk cracked, his race or sexuality has nothing to do with it. The OC (obnoxious customer) drove him into a rage and then mocked him for breaking down. I noticed the man with the camera didn’t bother showing us who was behind him as he ridiculed this man for something that is likely the software’s fault. Don’t know about others but, I ask for a manager when an employee pisses me off. Doesn’t do any good to bitch and moan at the employee. Let their supervisors do it and maybe then they’ll give some better service.

    And as for the small-minded little man who saw fit to act out (no doubt he suffers from short man syndrome), he was likely putting on a show for the others with their cameras out so they can blast it over social media for likes and retweets. Martin Luther King would be ashamed of the fellow with the camera.

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