One of the deeply rooted human myths is that of a physical object being able to protect its owner from evil of some kind. This can be seen everywhere from crucifixes repelling vampires to gris-gris bags warding off hexes. The Old Testament tells us of the first Passover, in which using blood from a sacrificial lamb to mark the front of one’s home would protect their house from God’s wrath when it came down upon Egypt.
Another deeply rooted human myth is that of “group identity.” There are the obvious group identities like sports team affiliation, vehicle brand, etc. There are the equally obvious ones some people cannot discuss, since not everyone is allowed to participate the same way. There are also political party affiliations, as using the term “political party” does not convey the correct levels of cultish adherence many Americans seem to have. They are fans of a team because of a political player they liked at some point in their developmental years (think Reagan, Clinton, JFK, etc.). They then justify their adherence to their “politicsball team” by pretending to agree with their platform, even if the platform advocates for their destruction or, at a minimum, is not in their best interest.
These two paradigms collide in a titanic disconnect from reality, as many Democrat-leaning whites have experienced. In a recently published cell phone video, an older white man is seen standing on his porch. There are several “protesters” in the street and sidewalk in front of his house yelling unintelligible gibberish. He leans out, pointing down to his Biden campaign yard sign, and yells to them, “There’s my Biden sign. Please don’t destroy anything. Be peaceful.” He identifies as a member of their “group” and thinks the magical talisman of the yard sign will prove this and quell their anger. Instead, he is screamed at that a white (slew of curse words) has no business telling black people how to protest, that nobody cared about his “white ass opinion.” Furthermore, he is told that being peaceful is white supremacy.
The old man in the video genuinely believed something that simply isn’t real. He honestly believed that a yard sign would somehow spare him the wrath of the mob. To his dismay and seeming confusion, he was not one of them. And, pointing to his talisman only made them angrier. The phrase “nobody cares about your white ass opinion” is the most important five (5) seconds of this video. It completely deconstructs everything this man believed about the mob in front of his own home, the movement he likely cheered from his couch while watching protests on television, and his worldview.
The man’s fantasy world was one in which he, like the people who tried to engineer Western democracies in the Middle East at gunpoint, projected his own culture, morals, values and ways of thinking onto a group of people completely different than him and totally uninterested in anything he has to say. In this fantasy world, everyone and everywhere is the same (just like him), with the only differences in cultures being language, food, and neat little traditions he can talk about at the golf club. Most people like him have never been around people not like him, so they cannot understand that someone can actually be different.
This belief, that everyone thinks the same way and perceives the world through the same lens, is common among these people. While many of us, on this side of the political divide, could have predicted the results two (2) seconds into the video, we should remember that there are millions of Americans who would hear that critical phrase and be shocked. They could never fathom such a thing, to be shut down this way with their Biden yard sign ignored. They simply don’t view every single solitary event through the prism of racism and oppression against them, and had no idea people really think this way.
People like this are the product of too much television. In the real world, a stirring speech or plea for compassion doesn’t result in an angry horde of violent morons suddenly calming down and shaking hands with the temporary object of their rage. In reality, such a speech would (and has been) interrupted with a fist to the mouth or brick thrown. Like the man said, nobody cares about your white ass opinion.
This is the sad reality that too many of these people need to come to understand. There is no mercy for them, despite their talismans and team affiliation. There is not quarter to be found, and these people must understand that they can never agree hard enough or wear enough BLM merchandise to appease the mob. They will only see a white person. The mob does not care about their “white ass opinion,” only that they are white.
These people need to understand that there is no reasoning with the reasonless. Nobody cares about their “white ass opinion” and any attempt to give it is seen as additional affront. People like the old man are hated for their existence and will be tolerated until they are not immediately beneficial in such a manner that a grumpy toddler can grasp. The thought processes of an angry mob should never be considered more complicated than that.
These leftist whites need to understand they have been kicked off the team. The new team now considers them the enemy, no different than the deplorables their goddess spoke of so dismissively back in 2016. In the eyes of their new team, they are us. The sooner they realize this, the better.

I ain’t sure a guy like that has the capacity to learn anything new (to him), but we can always hope in his behalf, I suppose. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks, as they say.
Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss…”just how pro-establishment and pro-Wall Street, pro-war and pro-military-industrial-complex (MIC) Trump’s assembled team was based on their histories. So, here we are full circle — end of his time in office — and I ask “Was Donald Trump a Trojan horse? Has Trump really done anything to take down the deep state or the MIC, which he personally put in charge of everything for four years?” “FACT: Donald TheRump chose for four years to put Goldman Sachs in charge of all the financial departments of government, except for the one department he put Krackhead Kudlow, Heritage Foundation kingpin, in charge of. FACT: TheRump CHOSE to put the military deep brass in charge of everything having anything to do with intelligence. TheRump drained the entire swamp straight into the White House. Deep state all the way.”
No “Deep Country” with Drumph or Sleepy Joe …
You got Trumped!
I’m on Parler now, and so I’m able to share your articles! Apparently the other two commenters didn’t get what this article said. I hope others do. You have to know that in the end they kill the collaborators, they just kill them last. I’m more of a first wave guy myself.
@Chuck… They are really only one team, ie. “deep state deep empire” (transnational) and they ain’t beholding to Deep Country Heritage American’s !!
KnuckleDraggin’ offers a link to an article about a Rocklin, California family getting a Restraining Order against neighbors after the neighbors chalked the sidewalk with anti-Trump slogans.
An RO.
That will fix the problem.
The saddest part of this story is that the old guy will somehow rationalize the mob’s behavior. When they leave, he’ll sit with his wife and say just how ignorant he was to their suffering. How he will double down and re-commit to the cause for “their” sake. If only he could have prostrated himself and washed their feet with his tears.