Misguided Allegiance

Many misguided Christian-Zionists believe that the defense and protection of Israel by a nation brings blessings upon a people, whereas any antagonism toward Israel brings a curse from God.  But how is that working for you, Southern Patriot?  Today, you reside in a country that has not won a war since 1945.  You live in a country that teaches its young boys to castrate themselves and become girls.  As you place your hand over your heart, you honor a flag that represents a citizenry who vilifies you for the crimes of being Southern and Christian.  More importantly, while you send your Southern sons to die in neverending globalist wars, the very same people whom you honor belittle you and your heritage. Southern Evangelicals, statistically the most pro-Israeli group in the world outside of Israel, are watching their very symbols of cultural and historical identity torn down by Bolshevik adversaries throughout the South.

Let me be very clear: the continued defense and slavish devotion to the modern state of Israel is not only fundamentally misguided, but it is anti-biblical.

The fact is, God never stated that the geographic confines currently called Israel would be a blessing unto itself.  Geographic Israel was a reward to a chosen people – a “promised land” for following God’s Word.  When those people failed to honor God, he took them away (the Babylonian captivity).  When God allowed them to return to the promised land, God destroyed it again when they rejected Jesus Christ (the Roman obliteration of Judah).  Geographic Israel is not the blessing, it is the reward.

Defending geographic Israel through military action in Iraq or supporting massive defense subsidies to the Zionist state will not incur blessings from the Lord Your God.  Your religiously inspired secular actions will not preserve the state for some future apocalyptic reclamation.  The prophecies of the Book of Revelations will be fulfilled.  They will not be fulfilled because you voted for a massive wealth transference from American taxpayers to Israelis.  They will not be fulfilled because your son died in Mosul or Fallujah.  They will not be fulfilled because your Scofield Bible tells you so. They will not be fulfilled because Trump moved an embassy.

The Book of Revelations will be made manifest because it is God’s revelation and His Will.  Why do you, Christian Zionist, believe that your support of geographic Israel will be rewarded or more importantly, is a manifestation of God’s Will, when such support runs directly contrary to the very Word of God?  It is time to re-explore your Bible.

What Christian Zionists fail to fully appreciate is that God’s covenant is with His people – those who have maintained their part in the relationship and their covenant responsibilities.  And what was that covenant responsibility?  Simple: an acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior.  Full Stop!

A people who reject that Savior are not blessed.  If you are truly a Christian, then you know that one cannot enter Heaven without accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  If a rejection of the Holy Spirit is the only unpardonable sin (Matthew 12:31-32) and the Holy Spirit is made manifest in a call to Salvation, how can an Israeli ethnostate predicated on a rejection of the Holy Spirit bring with it blessings?  It cannot.

By the very words of Jesus Christ Himself, nearly every resident in geographic Israel will not inherit the Kingdom of God.  Why, therefore, would such a state be a blessing?  Think about that as you read further.

Israel is often thought of by Christian-Zionists as a land comprised of a chosen people.  This is a misinterpretation of the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 17) and a misunderstanding of modern “Israelis.”  Abraham was to become a father of many Nations.  Some interpret that as a spiritual promise: Abraham as the origin point of God’s Covenant and therefore the many millions who embraced that covenant.  But I am more inclined to believe God made a physical promise to Abraham.  God makes His promise to Abraham just prior to Sarah’s conception.  Thus, Abraham is both a spiritual and physical father of many nations.  

Modern Jews do not enjoy the Abrahamic lineage.   First, they rejected God’s covenant when they rejected Christ.  This makes a clean spiritual break from Abraham.  God fulfilled His end of the bargain – a Savior was provided that promises eternal life; the Jewish people did not fulfill their part of the bargain – accepting eternal life. This is incredibly simply and pointing this out as “extreme” is the mark of an unfaithful hireling.

Second, most modern Jews are Ashkenazi Jews and therefore, have almost no genetic link to the tribes of Abraham’s grandson.  Modern Europeans have a greater genetic claim to Abraham than the Ashkenazi who – according to the Book of Jeremiah – are from Mount Ararat (Armenia) and are listed as an enemy of God’s true chosen people in that same book.  In fact, God demands a war against the Ashkenazi (Jeremiah 51:27):  “Lift up a banner in the land! Blow the trumpet among the nations! Prepare the nations for battle against her; summon against her these kingdoms: Ararat, Minni and Ashkenaz. Appoint a commander against her; send up horses like a swarm of locusts.” The Ashkenazi are the descendants of Chaldeans – the enemies of God. Certainly, this isn’t a proposal for conflict, but just pointing out what’s in your unread Bible, Christian Zionist.

As for Modern European connections to Abraham, this conclusion comes from two key sources: the Bible and DNA.  We know that the nations of Abraham spread far and wide.  Genetically, the Irish and their Gaelic Scottish kin share the strongest DNA match with Basque Spaniards.  Basque country is an area unique for its strong sense of Nationalist commitment and some of the oldest Carthaginian settlements in Europe.  Secular author Richard Miles, hardly a Christian Identarian, records in his book Carthage Must Be Destroyed: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization, that those Carthaginian settlements originated in the south of modern day Spain.  Specifically, the Phoenician city of Tartessos was likely the jumping off point for the spread of Carthaginian settlements in Northern Europe.  Tartessos is called Tarshish in the Bible – the same Tarshish to which Jonah was fleeing before his trip in the belly of a fish.

We know that ancient Israeli communities traveled with Phoenicians because both the Bible and modern science tells us so.  Most likely, the seaborn Tribe of Dan was the traveling party, which settled in the Phoenician (Canaanite) city of Laish, later renamed the City of Dan (Judges 18) in Sidon.  That city was a mere thirty kilometers from Phoenician Tyre.  This is the same Tyre that enjoyed great relations between their King Hiram and both Kings, David and Solomon (1 Kings 5).

We also know that Ancient Israeli communities existed throughout Europe because we can follow the writings and travels of the Apostle Paul.  Whereas Peter was responsible for evangelizing to the Hebrews while Paul was responsible for preaching to the gentiles (Galatians 2), Paul relies heavily on the largess of Jewish convert communities throughout the Roman Empire in order to succeed.  Pontus and Priscilla (Acts 18) were early Jewish converts to Christ from Italy.  They were immeasurably important to Paul’s work.  Of course, the most famous example of Abrahamic lineage in Ancient Europe is Paul himself, who is a Roman citizen of Hellenic Tarsus.  Consequently, while the Ashkenazi were declared enemies of God, Abrahamic communities in Ancient Roman Europe were not only maintaining covenant law, they embraced Christ Jesus – the fulfillment of the covenant – when presented with the testimony of Salvation.

Yet, despite all of this, Christian Zionists continue to support a state of non-believers established by a Marxist global body that most Christians detest.

The modern state of Israel was established by a United Nations mandate on 29 November 1947.  Formal independence from Great Britain occurred on 14 May 1948.  It ascended to full voting recognition in the United Nations on 11 May 1949.   The first country to recognize Israeli independence and subsequently established a diplomatic tie to Israel was the United States.  President Harry S. Truman granted de facto recognition of Israel eleven minutes after a resolution of independence was read, signifying the end of British rule.

What hath that decision wrought?

To start, the United States has not won a hot war since that recognition.  Beginning with the Korean “War” (I use quotes because no war has actually been declared by Congress since 1941), the U.S. – a country that previously had a near flawless record in winning wars – began a losing trend that has not abated.  Our latest defeat comes at the hands of a confederation of stone-age Muslim tribes in Southwest Asia.  By contrast, after destroying the Temple of Jerusalem, a punishment no doubt exacted against a people who rejected Jesus Christ, the Romans went on to fully conquer Britain, defeated their ancient Parthian nemesis, conquered Dacia, and fully annexed Armenia.

Economically and culturally, the U.S. is a disaster.  I recognize that the Trump Economy was the best period of job growth and payroll increases in the post-World War II Era.  However, before that era – or more specifically, before our recognition of Israel – American families were supported by single earning husbands.  Families enjoyed size and stability.  Even during the Great Depression, divorce rates were almost non-existent.  Men paid the bills by virtue of manufacturing jobs that were close to home while wives kept their homes as sanctuaries to God and Family.

Since embracing Israel, divorce rates have increased, sexual degeneracy has exploded, transgenderism has run rampant, jobs have been outsourced to totalitarian communist states, and Americans struggle to pay their bills with both parents outside of the home. Do those sound like blessings to you?  Perhaps God is trying to tell us something: support for the geographic state called Israel is misguided.

I leave this final note as we witness our latest curse for our support of Israel, the Coronavirus, wreck havoc on the United States at the behest of its Communist Chinese creators: to date, no state that has supported modern geographic Israel has survived.  

Since the creation of the state of Israel, the two largest financial benefactors of Israel, Nazi Germany and the United States, have lost every war with which they have engaged since the attempted establishment of a Zionist state in the Middle East.  The German National Socialists helped create the modern borders of Israel with the Haavara Agreement.  The Nazis made a substantial financial investment in the state’s success at a time when Germany was climbing out of the deepest depression of any European state.  How was the Nazi investment in Israel rewarded?  Utter destruction.

Thus, I ask you, Christian Zionist – as I was once like you – what blessings have ever been borne for a Christian Nation-State that supported a Zionist state that rejects Jesus Christ?

It is time to rethink your commitment to Jesus Christ, your Nation, and that which you call, “Israel.”


  1. I ask a question. Who was “Jesus” Soter? Who gave life to “Jesus”? “Who resurrected Jesus?”

    Answer: In Acts 2:32, 2:24, 3:15, 3:26 , The book clearly says that “God (Elohim) raised [Jesus, God’s servant] from the dead.” So that’s the basic answer. God resurrected Jesus. God is Soter (savior) alone, and Jesus was anointed (“messiach” ie. “christos”) to bring this message (gospel)!

    1. The Bible is clear that ‘the Father’ [God] and ‘the Son’ [Jesus] are One.

      Thank you author of the article for pointing out the obvious – which isnt obvious to most! – and hopefully starting some to think. The FACT that the Saxon – Anglo, Celtic, Germanic, Scandanavian and kindred peoples – ARE the Israel people of the Bible is not only imperative by simple dint of being true, but is immeasurably important in not only correctly understanding Scripture, but making some sense of whats going on right now.

      1. As was Jesus, we are quanta of the Most High Supernal Spirit, children of … “ I said, “You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High.” Psalms 82:6

        How do I know that I am a fractal quanta of Supernal Spirit? The book Says so: “ Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” 1 Cor 31:6

        1. However,
          ‘The insidious programming of the Matrix suppresses racial identity and seeks to pasteurize all peoples into a raceless, rootless mass of homogenous humatons. The reality of divine oneness is falsely invoked to legitimize this dehumanization, with the cant that if All are One we should live together in peace and brotherhood forever. The truth is that there is no contradiction between the oneness of Supernal Spirit, which underlies all creation, and the infinite variety of separate forms and beings which it spawns. In fact if all went back to unity, it would be the end of the cosmos.

          Spiritual enlightenment awakens an individual to the love of God for all beings, called Caritas. We have also awakened to the reality of racial identity; from this arises another kind of love, the deep primordial philos that binds together a family, clan, or tribe. Again there is no contradiction: enlightened white individuals have philial feelings exclusively for their racial kindred, and this does not diminish their Caritas for all humanity. Awareness of the overarching unity gives us the wisdom to draw the line of separation exactly where it’s needed. Cosmic order (logos) requires strong boundaries on every front.” ~ Joesph Rex Kerrick

  2. One way I have been able to at least semi get through to the Christian Zionists that I know is to expose them for the first time to the truth of what really goes on in Tel Aviv, a city of 400,000 residents, over a quarter of whom are LGBTQlmnop. Sodomites, in other words. Tel Aviv hosts one of the largest “pride” festivals in the world; it is considered by many in the “LGBTQ” community THE go to destination for sexual degenerates of all stripes the world over. Something tells me the Pandemic hysteria will be over before the 2020 event kicks off in June.

    Well, anyway, Christian Zionists have their heads stuck way up their own hind parts when it comes to “God’s chosen people.” It’s understandable to a point, but at some point people need to wake up to reality. One way to shock some of them into some semblance of reality is to expose them to the sexual degeneracy rampant in Tel Aviv. There is also a huge prostitution problem in Tel Aviv (well of course. Duh!). And so on.

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