Learning from Nashville

The Alt-Lite and Boomers routinely, and usually wrongly, criticize the Left as not willing to fight for what they believe. In their mind, the Left is just a gaggle of communists and wilful idiots that, in the event of a possible civil war, could be swept aside easily. Conversely, the Dissident Right understands that underestimating the Left’s devotion will do you no favors in hypothetical armed conflict. Now, I side with the Dissident Right, but there is an element of truth with respect to the Alt-Lite and Boomers’ opinions that the Left is selective in their politics.

The Nashville mayoral race recently took place, pitting David Briley against John Cooper. David Briley succeeded to Nashville’s head of government after his predecessor resigned. Briley ran to keep his position by using a platform of “progressive values,” and other liberal talking points. In his time as mayor, Briley made Nashville the first city in the South to recognize LGBT alphabet soup businesses as their own category. Additionally, Briley fought against the English-only movement and was naturally soft on crime. As a result, Nashville crime, of course, skyrocketed. In essence, Briley was Nashville’s very own Portlander. He would fit in quite well in a state like California or Washington.

John Cooper, on the other hand, ran primarily on a platform of refocusing the city’s fiscal priorities, reorienting them to put neighborhoods first. He also pledged to fix the crime issue. Doesn’t sound too bad, but Cooper is still a Democrat. Still, he’s who Nashvillians rightfully put their vote to; he is someone I would have voted for, had I lived there. No, Cooper won’t be outlawing gay marriage. No, he won’t be flying a Confederate flag or declaring Christ as king. But, he will pull the city (at least temporarily) from it’s abusive Marxist ideology. 

Still, the city council grew its number of LGBT and minority members. Why would the citizens of Nashville vote so overwhelmingly against Briley, but still vote in his minions? The answer is simple – the Left is unwilling to make simple sacrifices for “equality” and at stake were their wallets and their own safety. They could have given those up in exchange for inclusion, tolerance, and virtue-signaling, but they did not. Rather, they went overwhelmingly against their champion. 

We in the Dissident Right support various viewpoints: the nuclear family, traditional morality, God, country, etc. Ultimately, we advocate for virtues that we consider “good” or righteous. The Far Left, however, pushes for degenerate behavior, iconoclasm, open borders, infanticide and a whole host of positions that we, in our own moral paradigm, consider evil. They think our positions are also evil. We’re at a moral impasse. A difference can be seen with your normie liberals, or limousine liberals, and normiecons or country club types. Those two camps share a common characteristic – at the end of the day, their principles are overridden by their own security and safety.

Look at the Soviet Union. Many of the progressive ideals of today were nonexistent in the former Soviet Union. This is highly ironic, since many modern, fringe leftists and antifa admire communism (see “Communism Will Win” signs or the sickle and hammer t-shirts). They must be unaware that homosexuality was criminalized under Stalin – five years of hard labor was the punishment. In addition, ethnic minorities were purged through various means, notably forced migrations and outright genocide. Of course, the crusty leftist lunatics of today are just useful idiots that will be purged themselves, should the Empire morph into a true communist state (its practical applications are much different than its abstract design).

In Christianity, it is a privilege to be martyred for God. Many went through unthinkable and cruel torture to express their firm belief in the Lord. Would a leftist do that? Perhaps a few would, but, as a whole, it’s much harder to find a leftist willing to die for their beliefs than a Christian. They have less to fight for – there’s a vast difference between salvation and politics.

This is the simple truth of why the Nashville election went the way it did. Safety and security trump political ideologies.