Lost Cause Dreaming

If you view any type of social media, multiple algorithms constantly adjust what you see. Everything is curated by the frequency with which you engage, even if it’s just a millisecond of a pause on a certain topic. Speak a word and your phone or tablet instantly becomes an avenue to sell you a product. That product can be anything. You name it, and it will magically appear in your feed. However, if what you mentioned is on the naughty list, then you might be forced to view some type of propaganda helping you mitigate your wrong desires and turn you towards a more righteous path. 

Back in the wild days of the past internet, it was not this way. Well, at least you could find the content you actually wanted. That was, until leftist propaganda became the default, and it has been that way for almost a decade. But there was always hope, hope that our brand of propaganda would one day bust through the algorithms and become mainstream. It was just a dream. 

But dreams come true. 

Our ideas have broken into the mainstream, and they are populating the common narrative exponentially. Every taboo topic of a few years ago is prolific on Gab, X, Rumble, TikTok and other platforms. Charlie Kirk, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Matt Walsh, Elon Musk, are way to the right of where they were just three years. On the Christian Right, Eric Conn, Joel Webbon, Stephen Wolf, Andrew Isker, Andrew Torba, and many others, are expressing the same Christian Nationalist views that ID, and those tangentially associated with us, have been pushing from a Southern perspective for almost a decade. So much for Dixie’s lost cause. 

To say the least, the Left has taken a beating on the social media platforms they once dominated just a few years earlier. They are apoplectic, fleeing to irrelevant ghetto platforms in order to nurse their wounds. Where they still linger among the victorious Right, many intentionally turn off comments. To gauge the extent of their lost cause exasperation, I’ve been jumping into the comments still open, just to thump their ears for a minute.

What amazes me about liberals, communists, and Southern loathers, is they have no clue as to why they lost. 

One content creator, a completely unhinged woman in Texas, commented back, explaining that I was not her target audience. Unfortunately, she did not understand that her audience was my target audience. I was there to remind all of them that the debate is over, that reason and logic are vestiges of those that want to embrace civility. They taught us, and we finally learned through victory, that the hardship of a lost cause becomes sweet. Even now, many are losing the ability to financially transact through mobile cash apps, as did many in the Dissident Right many years ago, before the battle turned in our favor. 

Let it clearly be understood, I’m not a huge fan of the POTUS, he will always be a carpetbagging Yankee and an enabler of Israeli warmongering. Even now, Donald Trump is trying to expand the Empire to keep it relevant. Like a child with a balloon, he cannot resist the impulse to blow one more time, over filling it, causing it to burst. Yet, he is serving a divine providential service, a mission, which will one day lead to a free Southern Christian nation. 

Brothers and sisters, our dreams of a new Southern nation are less than a generation away. There will be subversive influences slowing the pace of the imperial decline, some even posing as our people. Therefore, stay in the fight. Use the tools the enemy gives you, on the Left or on the Right. Win those you can. Crush the ideology that denies our progeny their home. 

Deo Vindice!

God save the South! 

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