Free Speech & Fascism

A few days ago, Secretary of State Marco Rubio and CBS anchor Margaret Brennan, got into an exchange over free speech. Brennan asserted that free speech led to fascism and “the Holocaust.” Rubio countered that free speech was banned in NSDAP Germany. I believe Brennan was right, but for the wrong reason. Free speech does lead to fascism, even when the supporters do not recognize fascism due to a changed label.

Ignoring her assertion about an eventual Holocaust (an event I do not believe occurred), fascism and antisemitism thrive in free speech environments because logic flourishes in free speech environments. As it pertains to alleged antisemitism, the explanation is less complicated. The ability to freely point out that the Jewish people are behind an astounding number of anti-Western civilization programs – especially social reengineering – breeds antisemitism.

People love their own, whether it is their God, family, or nation. They do not like them being attacked or dismantled by any outside party. When a disproportionate number of cultural assailants derive from one ethno-religious group (Jews), they naturally get angry at them. Correspondingly, the rise of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDSP) did not give birth to antisemitism. Anti-Jewish animus existed in Europe for as far back as it became known that which the Talmud says about Jesus Christ. The NSDAP simply pointed out to Germans what many in the United States see today: those who assail our societal norms, national institutions, and family structures are overwhelmingly Jewish. The NSDAP offered a solution: send the Jews to Palestine. Thus, the “Nazis” pumped hundreds of millions of dollars resetting Jews in Palestine throughout the 1930s (Haavara Agreement).

But what of fascism in general? This is more complicated. It seems counterintuitive to Americans – or anyone from the Anglosphere – to see how fascism comes out of free speech. The answer is found in the principles and eventual policy prescriptions themselves.

To begin, fascism simply derives from the term “to bundle” (fasci is the plural of Italian fascio). That which began as a national unity (bundle together) movement in late 19th century Italy, became a number of different names throughout the 20th century, with variations in different countries. Those countries included Germany (NSDAP), Israel, Spain, Greece, Chile, and even the United States, albeit ideologically (which I will discuss).

Fascism is definitely socially conservative. It is also definitively nationalistic. Consequently, fascism of any variation, can never be “leftist,” because it is a movement regardless of location that seeks to preserve the national cultural fabric. It views nationalism through the bundling of both people (i.e., stronger as one unit) and various culturally defining institutions, like history, family, and ethnic uniqueness. This is why anti-immigration, especially illegal immigration, are foundational to fascist governments. External migrants, especially those uninvited, threaten the cultural cohesion of a given state. Demographics is destiny.

Marxism, the avowed enemy of fascism, correspondingly seeks to unravel the nationalist bundle, usually by targeting history and family dynamics for dismantlement and destruction. This explains why the American Marxist Left want the borders wide open. It disrupts cultural cohesion, especially when the new migrants will not assimilate. This is also why the antifa targeted both historic monuments for destruction and the traditional family through gender ideology. Free speech empowers concerned citizens to collectively say, “Stop!”

In a free speech environment, a free expression of ideas naturally leads to communicating support for the preservation of one’s society. I do not want my ancestral monuments torn down. I do not want government kleptocrats stealing my tax money. I do not want my children to be taught that they are something other than their biological sex. I want my family to be raised in a safe environment, whereby we can worship God freely and honor the history of our forefathers.

Fascism, on the surface, simply offers that which I stated. Different groups or national variations may choose different means to achieve those communicated pro-family, pro-nationalistic goals. Thus, Italian fascism and German fascism looked very different in certain policy areas. But the goal of a stronger nation and family remained the same – be it 1940s Israel, 1950s Spain, 1960s Greece, or 1970s Chile.

If free speech leads to fascism, that is because fascism is a natural outgrowth of any cohesive people. If I support law enforcement as an extension of “law and order” (not merely the political enforcers they have become in the modern United States), I do so out of a desire for a more orderly and safe society. If I support lower taxes – a hallmark of the German “Nazis” – I do so because (a) I believe my hard-earned money is best used by me and my family and, (b) I believe the government is inclined to waste that money. If I support a stronger military whose mission is not social justice causes, but actual force readiness and responsiveness, I do so out of a desire for my nation to survive and thrive. Discussing policy prescriptions to achieve those goals requires free speech. In a leftist society, the statists’ needs require the suppression of any speech that threatens Marxist cohesion because Marxist cohesion demands a realignment of natural values. My values of God, family, and nation are antithetical to Marxist values of “science,” community, and globalism.

Free speech is a threat to any political movement that seeks to dismantle the individual. Fascism is not “anti” individual. Rather, it states that the individual thrives in an environment of his own cultural and national composition. In other words, a people thrive in countries comprised of their own, especially when they have cultural and linguistic similarities bound by a common history. I can still keep my individualism, but my individualism is most likely going to be defined by my ethnic construct. Who I am is a product of both my DNA and my familial surroundings.

No one should want to lose themselves to an amorphous blob of gender neutral, racial neutral, culturally neutral, and ideologically neutral world order. That is Cultural Marxism. Fascism is adamant about distinctions. Free speech preserves those distinctions.

Today, we have free speech in the United States – kind of. Legally, we still have free speech, but we have lost much of the right to express our opinions because capitalism (the other side of the Marxist paradigmatic coin) has been weaponized against us. In speaking freely, what do the weapons seek to silence? Generally, speech that is pro-family, pro-Christian, pro-nation, and pro-tradition are censored or lead to employment termination. In other words, the United States government and its corporate institutions silence fascist principles.

Fascism is a largely misunderstood ideology because it has been demonized by Marxist educators since the 1940s. That was an intentional desire to cause Americans to run from the label, even when their desired policies were more in line with their own beliefs. But fascism is not a uniform policy mechanism in its own right. It is simply a belief in cultural and national unity. What derives from that unity can take many policy shapes, whether it be the National Socialist German Workers Party or MAGA.

One comment

  1. Nice article. I’m reading Degrelle’s ‘Hitler for a Thousand Years’ right now, and he devotes several pages to the varieties of Fascism in different countries such as Rumania and Spain. As your article suggests, the differences between Codreanu and Franco revolved around their different guiding ‘mythos’ as respective people groups.

    Actually, Haavara Agreement notwithstanding, the NSDAP’s first choice for a Jewish homeland was Madagascar. Churchill, under the direction of his new Focus Group masters, worked to scuttle the plan:

    “Churchill looked to the growing Jewish national home [in Palestine] as a pro-British bastion. The irony, of course, is that the Jewish media in both Britain and America lost no time in attacking the British Empire after it had defeated Hitler. p. 76. Interestingly, after the war Jewish terrorists such as Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir helped to organize, and even participated in, the campaign that would literally bomb and assassinate the British out of Palestine.” p. 77.

    Ralph Grandinetti, ‘Final Solution: Germany’s Madagascar Resettlement Plan’

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